Thursday, 27 October 2011

Everytime I look at You...

Salam and great day,

Everytime I look at you,
I can see that those pain I'd carried
is suddenly gone
Everytime I look at you,
I know this face had gimme something
I know this face has release me
I know this face is different
And the most
I know this face is my saver
Everytime I look at you
I see my future ahead
I see my road to happiness
I see my bright day
And the most
I see you by my side
Everytime I look at you
I never thought that this could happen
I never thought that I can breath once again
I never thought that I can wide open my eyes
I never thought that I can smile again
And the most
I never thought that I can moved on
Yes, yes it is...
Everytime I look at you,
You did gimme some strength
You did gimme your hand
You did lend me your shoulder
And the most
You did gimme your love
Which I really thankful
and I feel so grateful
Because everytime I look at you
I know that you're some kind like present
some kind like a piece of my heart
Something that has complete my whole life
And everytime I look at you,
I just wanna say
and forever I will always be...

Till then,
Tc guys.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

"You are fast learner..."

Salam and great day...

Hari ni Syerra nak tulis pasal adaptation ...  In everyday learning process, we must learn on how to adapt something in our everyday life so that we can cope with it. Ianya adalah sangat penting dan Syerra akan bagitahu kenapa dalam entry kali ni...

What is adaptation? Adaptation in the context of human dimensions of global change usually refers to a process, action or outcome in a system (household, community, group, sector, region, country) in order for the system to better cope with, manage or adjust to some changing condition, stress, hazard, risk or opportunity.  Kita boleh katakan adaptasi ni sebagai  suatu proses perubahan untuk menyesuaikan diri kita dengan sesuatu. Perubahan yang dilakukan dengan mengikut cara sesuatu tu. Biasanya yang sikit, ikut yang banyak. Senang cakap supaya korang boleh masuk la dalam sesuatu tu. Tak kisah la dengan orang ke, dengan tempat ke, keadaan ke dll. Okay?

It is something, such as a device or mechanism, that is changed or changes so as to become suitable to a new or special application or situation. Adaptation is the change in behavior of a person or group in response to new or modified surroundings. It also can be describes as to something that is changed or modified to suit new conditions or needs. Macam yang Syerra terangkan tadi, adaptasi ni biasanya perubahan kelakuan kita terhadap sesuatu. Contohnya macam kalau korang pergi Jepun, culture dorang biasa tunduk hormat bila jumpa orang kan? so, korang pun secara tak langsung akan ikut jugak cara orang jepun tu bila pegi negara dorang. Sebab apa? Sebab kalau korang tak ikut, dorang mungkin akan fikir korang ni tak beradab. Biasanya benda ni akan terjadi dengan sendiri. Macam kalau korang jumpa orang cina, otomatik korang pun tetiba keluar slang chinese, kan? That is adaptation. Proses menyesuaikan diri sendiri.  =) Dah jelas sikit kan maksud adaptation ni? Orait...

According to Brooks (2003,p. 8), adaptation is an ‘‘adjustments in a system’s behavior and characteristics that enhance its ability to cope with external stress’’.

Believe it or not, adaptation is very important in our life. Why Syerra nak tulis entry kali ni because I always use it whenever I enter into new environment...It did give me positive feedback...Tak rugi pon.. ^_^ So, always remember this ok.. Peribahasa said 'Masuk kandang kambing, mengembek..Masuk kandang kerbau, menguak...' ..So maksudnya sama lah dengan adaptation ni...

Ikot cara Syerra!

Biasanya, bila Syerra masuk ke sesuatu tempat yang baru, Syerra kan perhatikan dorang dulu, and lepas tu baru Syerra ikut cara dorang... ingat ye, for the new people,  KITA IKUT CARA DORANG, BUKAN DORANG IKUT CARA KITA! kalau dah lama2 tu, lain la at the beginning, korang kene gaining trust dorang dulu so that, later on barulah dorang boleh ikut cara korang balik..Depends la..

Don't take too much time to observe people before you can adapt to a new environment...Nanti orang kata korang ni lambat pick up plak...

So as to date, Syerra jenis yang rajin bertanya... JANGAN TAKUT untuk bukak mulut and tanya k!~ Lantak la dorang nak kate korang ni banyak mulut ke, banyak tanya ke, lembab ke...Ianya lagi bagus dari korang langsung tatau apa-apa, right? Malu bertanya sesat jalan...Ingat tu k...

Tak dinafikan, tak juga nak membangga diri...Tapi every place I went to, especially work place, most of my colleagues said I'm a fast learner...

How I do?

Apa yang boleh membuatkan kita rapat atau masuk dengan mereka?

Tak tau??

-Ikut cara mereka!-

Macam mana? ---> Good Question!

ingat balik peribahasa tadi, 'masuk kandang kambing mengembek, masak kandang kerbau menguak'...So takkan la korang masuk kandang kambing, nak buat bunyi kucing pulak?? Memang pelik kan??


Well fast learner here mean, ajar skali terus pandai... Tapi tak semua orang bole jadi mcm tu kan? Syerra pun kadang-kadang lembab gak!~ ajar berkali2 x paham... =.= especially maths..pfft!~

Ok done with work place...
Now, nak masuk pasal 'people' plak...

Bila kita jumpa orang baru, and ada potensi nak jalin hubungan yang lama dengan mereka, 'kita sentiasa lah kene pandai membawa diri kita'...pandai membawa diri supaya kita boleh masuk dengan mereka. 

Amik contoh bf-gf la ok...
if first time gf bawak bf jumpa family,  kompem bf mesti rasa malu2 kan memula tu, nervous mcm tak hengat plak...patu nnt, senyap je lgsg x bersuara sbb tatau nak cakap ape, nervous punya pasal..


Here are some tips yg maybe korang boleh guna...

If bf,
1) Selidik sikit-sikit pasal family gf dia...
-if boleh, tnya character each of family gf korang tu, tanya apa yg each of them suka n tak suka..x perlu banyak2, cukup dapat tau least, ini boleh dijadikan modal korang utk berbual nnt...
2) Berbual benda yang family gf dia tau... kritikal ni!~ syerra perhatikan kekadang tu, si bf ni berbual benda2 yang family gf dia tatau..contohnya, si bf ni pergi berbual pasal facebook dekat mak bapak gf dia yg buta IT..hah, x ke melopong org tua tu sepatah haram pon tak tau menatang ape yg bf tu cakapkan... =.= So, what u can do, try pancing perbualan dgn family gf dorg dgn hal2 yang berkaitan dengan dorg...contoh, if bf da selidik n tau bapak gf dia keje kat Petronas KLCC, haa ckp la pasal Petronas... Perlu ke?? YUP,PERLU!~ sbb at least korang da menarik minat bapak dia utk berbual... ^_^ x caye? sile try!
3) Baca bahasa badan family gf dia...
-Mata bf kene peka and mesti pandai baca bahasa badan ni... kadang-kadang, bahasa badan ni lebih direct dari bahasa mulut yg kadang-kadang berkias-kias...bahasa badan lagi tepat..cth, if bf dtg umah family gf malam2...sampai da pkul 12mlm pon mcm tak reti2 nak balik...mmg mulut mak bapak gf ckp, 'xpe, sekali skala dtg, x salah kalau x balik pon..'.... Tapi, cuba tgk body language dorg, adakah sama mcm yg mulut sampaikan?? mulut ckp mcm tu, tp mata dah xnak pandang...berbual pon dah mcm nak taknak...mcm korg tak wujud plak kat situ, kan? so, paham-paham la k...
4) ringan tulang
-yang ni biasanya gf je yg slalu x salah if bf pon ringan tulang jgk kalo g umah gf...cth mcm tolong2 pape yg patut...jgn la malas2 smpai org tgk pon naik menyampah!~ if korang ringan tulang, sape yang x suka, right?? tetambah lagi orang tua... if bf g kg gf 2-3 hari ke, haa, tolong2la sapu2 laman rumah yg byk dedaun tu, bakar2 sampah ke, bersihkan semak samun ke...
5) Jangan tinggal solat!!!~
 -this is the most important...!!~ always remember this...even korang sembahyang x cukup pon, tp bila pegi umah orang, CUBA tunjukkan yg terbaik doubt, sometimes hypocrite is penting... >_< abes tu korang nak ke mcm ni, dah la sembahyang pon tinggal2 kalo kt umah sdri, ni bila dtg umah org pon buat mcm umah sdri, IT IS NOT NICE ok!~ siyesly, not cool at all!!~ orang tua ni suka kalo dpt menantu yg bole bimbing anak dorang...dorang tengok korang sembahyang pon, pergh, sejuk je hati!~

That's the adaptation in our everyday life...cuba mensesuaikan diri di setiap keadaan... kalau korang tak buat adaptation utk diri korang, trust me, korang takkan boleh bertahan lama dengan sesuatu bende/orang tu...

Adaptation ni mcm ikatan chemistry la...sesuatu yang membolehkan korang bertahan lama dengan sesuatu bende tu...Proses penyesuaian diri...

If korang bawak seseorang into your group, or your environment, and if korang rasa dorang ni lambat sangat nak adapt, jangan malu2 untuk ajar mereka ok...

Macam tips Syerra kat atas tu, Syerra ajar kat few people, and dorang follow, and alhamdullillah proses adaptation tu berjalan dengan lancar... ^_^

It is never WASTE to try something new...

Till then,
Take care guys.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Akak Penyelamat Hari ku... Haishh... T_T

Salam and Great Day,

Masuk ni da second day hidungku banjir! T_T Pfftt!~ today is friday, pagi td Syerra bangun dengan ceria untuk ke tempat kerja sbb ini hari terakhir Syerra menikmati perjalanan penuh sesak dalam KTM because after this no more fighting to get into KTM...Yelah, weekend ni kan Syerra da masuk umah baru...Dengan berbaju kebaya pink, bermekap light, n bercekak dolly, Syerra pon melangkah keluar rumah dengan bertenaga+berkeyakinan+ceria.. ^_^

Tapi, malangnya, mood ceria itu telah dibantutkan dengan sexual harrasment dlm tren...Actually, bukan lah apa sangat, sbb kalau tren sesak mmg normal la semua org pon bergesel2..Dah sesak padat, nak wat mcm mane kan? tp td lain sbb mmg byk sngat space kosong tp lelaki tu nak jugak menyendel kt Syerra...sampaikan Syerra da tarik pemegang Syerra jauh sket dr tempat dia, still apa babi dia ntah nak jugak dekat2 n menyendel2 kt Syerra...Terasa nak je suh dia kesana sikit, tp Syerra tgk yg lenlain kiri kanan Syerra rilex je, so Syerra pon diamkan je la..takot dikata rude pulak...Syerra da mula rasa sangat-sangat dan sangat tidak selesa time dia dah bergesel2 kt blakang Syerra...Muka time tu, da macam kening nk bersambung...yela, makin kita ketepi, makin dia mendekat plak..ape babi mcm tu? space sebelah dia yg banyak gile tu nk buat mende plak?

Mujur ada sorang kakak ni perasan dari jauh kt seat dia...time tu dia nk turun kt Subang Jaya..Dia tros tolak lelaki tu jauh dari Syerra n tarik Syerra.. Syukur Alhamdullillah.. Ada hamba Allah nak tolong Syerra...Dia bisik kat Syerra lelaki tu mmg gatal..Dia suh Syerra berhati2 n suruh Syerra masuk kedalam sikit, jauh dari tempat lelaki tu berdiri supaya Syerra x kene kacau lagi...n akak tu, selamba direct dia g maki lelaki tu...Time Syerra kene kacau tu tatau la org lain perasan ke tak, tp time kakak tu maki lelaki tu, memang semua da pandang2...mcm Syerra buat salah kan, SYABAS la kakak! salute same you tau! Akak penyelamat hari Syerra la today!

n because today is Jumaat, penghulu segala hari, Syerra doakan semoga kakak tadi beroleh keberkatan dan kesenangan sepanjang hari ni sbb dia dah tolong Syerra td... ^_^ May God bless you, akak! ^_^

Sampai kat ofis, hidung da smakin cair..huuu... T_T selsema...nak buat keje semua serba x kene...hingus meleleh2 x dapat ditahan2...berkotak-kotak dah tisu abes...Hairan, panadol soluble mcm x berkesan...Nak mintak half day keje bos tadek...semua pon xde... T_T dorg g KK...sms bos, dia x balas sbb tgh dlm flight balik ke KL...mata da makin stim ni...da x serupa org da...bersin2 jgn ckp la..da x mcm bunyi bersin dah...aacane tu? T_T

lucky bos baru je balas sms..dia da sampai KLIA la tu...n dia suh mc... ^_^ thanx bos, anda pon terlampau baik angat2 niii pada saya... ^_^ Bagus PETRONAS ni...semua pon baik2...

Guys, Syerra nak balik dlu ni..da x larat sgt nk karang tatau la mcm mana nk balik..either naik bas or KTM...owh! KTM again??? mcm fobia je rase! >_<

Till then,
TC guys.

Thursday, 6 October 2011


Salam and Great day to all,

Today is Thursday and for me it mean the 2nd last day in this week to work... ^_^ Well, not to talk bout my work here LOL but more to what I'm thinking...Yesterday was my 'Wondering Wednesday' and today is my 'Thinking Thursday'... ^_^ What's that all about, huh?

It can be said that my empty life has just began recently!~ Well, so much I wanna thank him for making me breath again, giving my smile and courage back to me...Swear to God that I never been so strong like this while drowning in my own tears hoping for the thing that was useless! I've been waiting someone to pull and drag me for all this while from this place, but none of them are very strong to pull me out...until that day where he came and pull me without hesitate anything...

From the darkness, I came out and I could see brightness once again which I never thought before... I thought I would always be there, the place where I hoped I was belong to...but too sad, it was not my place, and I dont belong there... I tried to get out, tried to step ahead of the empty road...tried to find my light once again...but I failed coz I thought my light was gone forever...I've tried to moved on but my feet seemed to heavy to step forward...

Being so down, frustrated, lost confidence, and broken hearted...I've tried to mingled with people...intends to find the missing pieces of my heart...but failed...

Seriously, I never thought that you could be the one...I never imagined you to be the person that I've been waiting for all this times...and right now, I AM THINKING OF YOU....

I thought of you today but that’s nothing new
I thought about you yesterday and the day before that too
for every day good or bad you'll always be in my head
I hope you've understood everything I’ve said
this isn't just a joke or a silly lie
I’d never do anything to make you wanna cry
I’m sorry if I do something to make you really mad
it only comes back and makes me really sad
I really do love you and everything you are
I hope this relationship gets really far
I’ll never get you out I simply don't know how
in fact I’m thinking of you right about now
you’re everything I need and everything to me
you know exactly who you are and what you want to be
you always make me smile just by being there
I hope you know how much I really do care
every time I think of you my stomach seems to twist
This is why I love you, I’ve made a huge list
the list goes on forever and never will it end
neither will our relationship you'll always be my friend
not just a simple friend but a special friend at that
I want to spend my whole life with you
Moraz El Fahd Jr
and I do love you...

I hope to be with you forever...

You will always be my hero...

**p/s: Dear Mr Moraz El Fahd Jr, I just want you to know this...Sorry coz I'm a lil bit jiwang LOL...well, I dont care that!~ =P Ddy pls take care yourself k..Mmy love ddy so much!~ Thanks for opening my heart that was chained before...Thanks for making a new key to enter it, though besides you dont even have the key, but you are so strong to break the chain...Thank you once again...^_^ I love you...I promise that I will take everything to maintain this relationship...Never will I let it go! Noticed that friends are easy to finds, but true love aren't like that...Thanks again for being with me whenever I need someone though sometimes I dont even noticed that you would always there for all this while.. Love you Ddy Moraz... ^_^

Wednesday, 5 October 2011


Salam and great day,

I just had my key to my new place at Kerinchi... ^_^ yay!!~ Thanx to nenek coz help me out on my matter... At first, I almost give up coz fed up meeting people with so many behavior...Really it give me a huge shot on my head! Luckily nenek came and pujuk2 me...She asked me to brought  her to see the new house at Kerinchi...I agreed, then I brought her to see it...Not too bad nor too just nice with so many facilities provided...

I always complained to my ownself coz I have to fight with people-traffic-jammed every morning and evening to get into KTM... =.= Kasihan... Nenek understand my difficulties and I know she wouldnt give anything to hurt me...she wouldnt give anything to make me feel uncomfortable... sebab Syerra manja sangat-sangat dengan nenek.. ^_^

Nenek asked how much the price and swear to God, I dont have that much money with me..but, Nenek always wants a good thing for me...And she pay it for me...I dont know what should i said besides thank you...coz I know even my parent wouldnt do that for me...But, nenek is lain!~ I was raised by her and i knew that she loves me so much!

I wouldnt dissapoint her and i promised that! Nenek helped me a lot all this while since I was child until now...Nenek terlampau banyak berjasa pada Syerra... and I dont know how to repay that...

please wait until I finish my study k..I promise you by next year, you wouldnt feel hard anymore...I promise I will take care of you more than you take care of me...

I love you, nenek...

Thanks for everything...

Thanks for giving me your love and your concern...
