Friday, 14 December 2012

A night before Solemnization...

Salam and great day...

Macam tak percaya je ada inai pengantin terlukis cantik di jari tangan dan kaki Syerra sekarang ni...Macam x percaya jugak bila melihat pelamin nikah sudah siap terpasang, khemah siap terbina dan sanak saudara dan jiran2 sedang sebuk bergotong royong memasak skrg ni...lagi beberapa jam je Syerra akan bertukar status drpd tunangan orang kepada isteri orang....macam tak percaya juga dalam banyak2 lelaki yang menjadi teman Syerra dulu, dialah yang akhirnya bakal menjadi suami Syerra...Syukur Ya Allah...

Dia lelaki yang Syerra kagumi...terutama sifat penyabarnya yang tiada tolok bandingan terhadap Syerra...Syerra akui, Syerra jenis yang sangat panas baran, cepat melenting, dan selalu ikut kepala sendiri...Syerra akui juga, kadang2 perkara yang kecik pun boleh menjadi punca...tapi dia x pernah sedikit pun melenting atau merungut melayan kerenah Syerra yang tersangat lah diluar kawalan lebih2 lagi bila monsun bulan merah hampir tiba... :-) Dia tersangat2 penyabar bila bersama Syerra, walau selalu berbalah kerana perkara2 kecil, tetapi dia tidak pernah membalas balik atau menaikkan suara...Baiknya awak ni, sayang...Nampaknya macam saya lagi garang dari awak... heheh.. :-) Dia seorang yang suka mendiamkan diri bila kami berbalah, cool je orangnya...

Oh cinta jari manisku...terima kasih sangat2 kerana menerima diri ku seadanya...mengambil diriku sebagai suri hidupmu... Syukur tak terhingga padaMu Tuhan diatas segala yang Engkau tentukan kepadaku ini...

Ddy, Mmy love Ddy so much.... :-)

till then,
take care

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Dinner Date With Mr. Love...

Salam n great day,  

I had a nice day n nite out today with my Mr.Love...  

Tgh hari si dia amik n bwk ke kilang dia...katenye perluka sedikit 'tangan' utk menyiapkan order yg blambak2...n Syerra pon dengan senang hati menolong si dia as long as ada dekat dgn dia... :-)  

Waahh!! Seksinya si dia time btungkus lumus bkerja... :-p hihihi... Gatai!!  

Syerra sempat tolong sikit je n x sempat nak abeskan sbb pkul 5 ade appointment dgn pak imam nk settle kan marriage thingy tu...then after selesai, syerra tros shoot g umah dia...then malam ni td kitorg g jalan2 kt setia city mall...sbb si dia katenye nk mencari barang2 hantarannya yang masih belom ckup...  

Smpai sane ktorg tros g parkson dlu...mencari facial utk si dia...sygnye facial yb da siap dlm bentuk gift xde... Semua kene beli satu2 n si dia mmg xnak mcm x jadi beli facial product kt situ...lps tu kitorg g tgk belt plak...ade diskaun 50% n dpt, belt, pen n wallet da siap balut sm kotak n wrapping plastik...bentuk kaler kotak sgt la 'deepavali'...kalerful! :-) n si diax bkenan...nasib ade satu kotak hitam n corak dia da belt nipis, si dia nak belt yg lebar...n x jd beli skali lg...adoii!! Fussynye! -_-' pengsan! :-p hahaha....  

Lps tu kitorg g tgk2 jam pulak...abes sume kedai jam kitorg masuk...jam adoiiii harga pon bapak cantik...!! -_- syerra x brapa stuju kalau dia nak abeskan duit  bribu2 smata nk beli jam...baik gune duit tu pegi honeymoon... ^_^ hihihi...syerra ckp dgn dia, klu nak syerra belikan boleh tp kne tgu lps kawen nnt... :-P x jd la beli jam...  

Lps da penat jenjalan, then kitorg pon g makan...sbelum gerak td, syerra ada bgtau si dia teringin nak makan Johnny's si dia kate kt setia city mall xde, yang ade pon Seoul Garden Steamboat n BBQ...  

So kitorg pon pegila situ...well, bg syerra agak mahal jgk la utk 2 org makan buffet counter dia, pergh! Banyak kot variety makanan...! Memang makan x hengat la.. :-)

Sebenarnya ni first time syerra makan kt restoran ni...selama ni dok lalu je tp tak terpanggil pon nak masuk..lucky ade si dia ajak syerra makan kt sini td... :-) terima kasih syg...  

Overall mmg best la sbb smbil ber steamboat bole ber bbq skali...makanan pon byk...ayam mcm2 flavor ade...spicy, black pepper, coffee, sze chuan, tomyam, curry n lain...seafood pon byk...kepah, oyster, bamboo lala, udang, ikan n lenlain...mmg puas hati la!  

Syerra ckp dgn si dia, nnt pas kawen nk mintak dia tlg belikan satu set memasak bbq ni la...nnt time tgk tv kt ruang tamu, bole masak bbq skali...waa..msti sweet! Si dia kate x pyh, pkai je dapur gas....adoiii...xkan nk bwk dapur gas ke ruang tamu skali dgn tong2 gas tu?? :-p dia kate nnt abesla berbau rumah tu..n syerra ckp, febreeze kan ade... :-p hihihihi....lps da kenyang, kitorg pon balik... ^_^ kenyang smpai rase nk bukak butang sluar...adehhhh.....:-p  

Ddy, thanx so much for spending your time with me...
Mmy hargai sgt2...mmy happy! ^_^  


Till then,
Take care guys...

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Interpersonal Communication Is Complicated...

Salam and great day to all,

Entry kali ni Syerra nk ckp psl Interpersonal Communication...So what is it? Interpersonal Communication ni adalah komunikasi manusia yang melibatkan pengaruh dua hala (A dan B, dan B dan A) dan bertujuan untuk menguruskan hubungan.

Mengikut communication theorist, salah satu fungsi komunikasi adalah untuk mengurangkan ketidakpastian (uncertainty). Proses berkongsi maklumat dan bertanya soalan akan menolong kita mengurangkan ketidakpastian terhadap apa yang berlaku di sesuatu masa.(Interpersonal Communication Relating to Others-5th Edition, Steven A. Beebee, Susan J. Beebee, Mark V. Redmond)

Commucation therorist telah mengenalpasti bahawa apabila kita berkomunikasi dengan seseorang, sekurang-kurangnya ada 6 org yang terlibat walaupon sebenarnya hanya 2 org yang berkomunikasi (A dan B).

6 orang yang terlibat antara A dan B itu adalah: (Assume korang adalah si A, dan dia si B)
1) siapa korang (A) fikir diri korang(A)?
2) siapa korang (A) fikir orang (B) tu?
3) siapa korang (A) fikir orang (B) tu fikir korang (A) ni?
4) siapa orang (B) tu fikir diri dia (B)?
5) siapa orang (B) tu fikir korang (A) ni?
6) siapa orang (B) tu fikir korang (A) fikir orang (B) tu?

Haa...paham x? Agak berbelit..tapi kalau korang perasan, no 1-3 tu psl diri kita sendiri...ape yg kita tgh pk...ape yg kita pk psl dia..and ape tanggapan kita psl dorg...same goes no 4-6...yang tu adalah cara pemikiran dia pula...

Thats why kebanyakan komunikasi kadang2 terdapat salah faham...semuanya disebabkan "6 orang" ni...

Syerra tahu, kadang2 susah nak handle bende2 mcm ni even though kita rase kita tahu psl komunikasi ni...sbb nya, bila kita marah, kadang2 kita x boleh berfikir dengan betul....right?

I want to engage back with my Interpersonal Communication Skill...because I know that this is a good guidance for me in any relationship...

Owh, rindunye jadi student Masscomm balik.... =( rase mcm nak amik skali lagi my degree dulu tu... hahah!~ bole?

Well, good information are great to be shared, right...?

till then,
take care guys...

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Once upon a Recap....

Salam and great day,

Its been a while since the last time i wrote my last entry...

Where do i start now?

As im laying down on my bed here in my room, suddenly theres a like a huge screen display in front of my eyes...n i can see myself playing the character in it...back to 4 years back...? Yeah, almost...

From the screen,
There was a cute lil me, living in my own world...full of activities everyday, monday to sunday, non stop...after finished my class, then rushed to salon, n worked part time, earned little incomw, enough to support my monthly expenses...felt so one was bothering juz me...yeah me..

I could remember, when im so attached to pr stuff, communication stuff, learning people behavior, their mind n body language, learning facts, learning everything which i adapted to my daily life, being outspoken, full of confident, its like no one can turned you down...with words only, i could managed the entire situation...hah! Great me!

I was so obsessed about PR, i was so obsessed about the supporting details, so obssesed about the truth, about a single words, about facts, everything! Its like no one can ever cheat me or lie to me coz trust me, i'll find the truth till death...

From that, what i could said is word is very important...what you said, you must have fact, or otherwise you must find some supporting details to support all your words, so that people will not simply step on your head...i practiced it a lot! Its like no one can counter my words! When i've said this, then it is this! Not that, becoz i have all the supporting details with me, all the facts, all the backup...we'd trained to be like that! We like it or not, we have to! Crazy me during that time...

What i'd missed most is the 'communication and relationship subject' lecturer taught us about interpreting body language, interpreting your mind, and interpreting your see, everything is happened for a reason!

I knew the fact that womens are tends to be more emotional as compared to men...for a small things only they tends to make it big...unlike men, they tends to forget it or just keep it with them...

Its good to learned all that...its great because everyday you are facing people..n everyday you'll see a lots of movement, their body language, what are they said? Everyday you hear a lot of thing, but its dat mean true?

I could say that during that time, i was so particular in observing people...i was good at doing it...i could control situation, i could make very persuasive communication, i could make people to listen and do what im asking them to do..

Why i could be so great during that time??? Or this huge display screen that appear in front of me is actually is just my halucination?? Probably, you can conclude that... But, it is not! Its my recap... My recap towards the old me and me now... So much different! -_-

Now, i dont practice it much like what i did before...why?? Because im not engage to it anymore!

Myself is this 'A' character...but due to certain reason, i've changed to 'B' character..which i missed most..or someone maybe..n now, after a long time, i've turned to my original me...its a huge different, i could say...

"...Because the two legs is always walk together...if you lost one of your leg, then how r you going to walk normally? Using fake leg arent much normal as the could walk, but the rhythm arent same anymore..."

N im not saying for nothing, im saying for a reason!

I remember all the phases in relationship where it could reach a mature phase...the best phase is will always be the beginning, because from that, a relationship is built...

I could remember all that, i even understand it...but im hardly to practice it nor to adapt it to my present life...i dont have any heart to explain it here...i dont have any eagerness with me anymore...because why? Because every situation is certainly different..and furthermore i dont have a people with me anymore to stand on this view like what i used to be before....

A phase for new life is just started for me...whether im strong enough to face all this, i have to went through it...
As im looking at my older blog, my writing pattern is indeed differ....well, people changed! People change for a reason right? For us, we need to find what is the reason of the changes? N why it is happen??

Think! Generate your senses for a better relations...

Till then,
Take care...

Wednesday, 3 October 2012



Miss my bad....

Salam and great day...

Quite a long time I've been off from at work requires me to work 24 hrs/7 in having my last week at this so-called my dream company, PETRONAS...

Having my few last days here have made me think and looked back... it is true when I said that 'sometimes, being selfish is important!'..why are people are simply asking rather than giving?? I just couldnt understand that...

Sometime, people come and asking you a favor, you give it...when its time you're asking them for a hand, they simply ignore it worth?? 'Is it worth when you're trying so hard for other people, but they dont do the same...?'... 'Is it worth when you cares for other but they dont?'.. I know, we should always 'other's first'...but, just do something that you're sure not gonna get you down...

I miss mmy BAD...really! I miss most!!

When I was in my outstation, I suddenly found my older notes...reading it from top to bottom and it ia written like this :

"Senyum...itu yg tenang bibirku ukirkan...melihat gelagat2 manusia yg pelbagai ragam ni...penyeri kehidupan seharian, penghias suka duka, pengukir cerita dan penglipur lara...aku cuma pemerhati..bukan lagi pelakon dalam CERITA itu... =) aku yang menarik diri, memilih kembali jalan berduri yg sering aku lalui dahulu...wlupon aku tau, sakit kaki ku memijak duri2 tu, tp xpelah...sbb aku da terbiasa...terbiasa dgn duri2 berbisa tu..terbiasa dgn jalan berduri tu...jadi ku gagahi jua mengikut haluan yg aku pilih sdri ini...sumpah aku x menyesal! Sbb ape? Sbb aku tau, kalau BETUL kita CINTAkan seseorg tu, kita x patut mengalah dan bputus asa...x patut lepaskan dia pergi, dan kalau terpaksa lepaskan dia pergi, lepaskanlah dgn rela hati tanpa dendam kesumat tersimpan di dada.

And after all, 'kalau dia bahagia, aku jgk gembira'...itu yg dinamakan CINTA...mungkin aku x ckup pandai utk bcakap soal cinta, tp ini yg aku lalui, dan mmg ini yg kuat aku rasekan...'Love somebody is NOTHING! to be loved by somebody is SOMETHING! But to love and to be loved by somebody is everything!'...itu yg aku pasti... 'Dare to love someone means dare to lose them!'...sbb cinta x semestinya perlu MEMILIKI, tp ianya adalah anugerah Allah ke atas apa yg dimiliki...

Gelagat2 manusia...ape yg mereka cuba buktikan di pentas lakonan mereka? Dan aku cuma tersenyum..tersenyum jika ini adalah salah satu drpd salah sangka dan telahan mereka...lagipun bukan mereka di tempat aku...dan tidak juga aku katakan aku di tempat mereka...PERNAH aku bersama di dalam CERITA itu, tp ku akui sendiri, aku x hebat utk menjadi JUARA anugerah bintang popular kerana aku bukanlah BINTANG...aku hanya lah batu...batu yg keras...KERAS dgn pendirianku...

Tiada dendam dihati...apa yg perlu aku pamerkan lagi pada manusia2 yg sentiasa x pernah senang tgk org lain senang? Kehancuran? Itu yg mereka mahukan? Tunggu dan lihat seikhlas mana niat mereka yg akan Tuhan makbulkan...Hidup kita ni ade karma...percayalah pada karma yg telah ditetapkan oleh Allah..kdg2, aku sdri terfikir bahawa KARMA dah jadi tunggang terbalik skrg ni...what we wish for,slalunya Allah akan makbulkan...cuma kita je yg x bila dah lame2 baru terdetik kat hati 'haah la..dlu aku pernah mintak cam ni..'...

People come and people go...=) so, don't worry about that coz cerita-cerita silih berganti...cerita lame dibangkitkan dgn cerita baru...cerita lama akan dilupekan, cerita baru akan dibualkan...bual lah...bual selagi masih ade mulut dan slagi bibir masih lancar utk bertutur... bual lah selagi lidah masih fasih utk berkata2...nikmati segenap hidup yang kau ada sebelum semuanya ditarik balik... =) dan aku, sbgai pemerhati cuma mampu untuk menonton semua ini...merenung dan merenung ke arah skrin yang kau pamerkan sebesar alam, menanti bagaimana kesudahan CERITA ini...dan berapa lamakah masa yg diambil untuk mengakhirinya... Sbln? 2 bln? =) atau stahun? Atau maybe 4 da rest of your life? Kun Fayya Kun...jadi, maka jadilah ia...itu yg Tuhan janjikan, dan itu juga yg telah Dia tetapkan...

Gelagat manusia...yang sumbang terus sumbang, yang jelik tros jelik...yang jahil dgn kejahilannya, dan yang pandai pula terus dengan kepandaiannya... Ini pentas lakonan hidup anda...anda yang tentukan pelakon mcm mane yg anda mahu jadi...Berusahalah utk yg terbaik bagi diri ANDA...jangan pandai bercakap je...Kita hidup ni kene ada matlamat yang TERANG, JELAS dan NYATA...Supaya org x senang pijak kepala kita...supaya org x hentam kita dgn kata2 yg mulut kita keluarkan... 'Its from your mouth, so u must know what are you talking about and be able to EXPLAIN!'..."Jangan cakap je tapi habuk pon xde!"

For a second, I was wondering what was it all about? N finally I remembered...I could saw the old me..not like what am i weak! N I miss my bad for fuckin serious coz I had no one right now to share neither him could not understand this! So sad! Broken hearted! Tikam laju laju! T_T

I miss my old bad...coz there it will always be for me...

I used to play with words, it was my strength! I used to play with eyes, because with it, my words became powerful..And I used to play with mind, because with all pf these three, I could control everything...My guru had gone for quite a long time...and my stronger was like gone with his dissapearance...

I miss my old bad..coz there he would know what best and what suits me...

I am not a toy to play with...
I am not like stone who doesnt have feeling!
And You'r not blind to see these!

I dunno how much time do i have left...
I dunno how much longer i can stand with...
Maybe I'll just walk or run away without turning back..
Yeah, n finally....its good to be bloody selfish!
People nowadays would just could not care for each others...
So why should I???

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

I know I'm Not....

Salam n great day...

Just a lil confession,
i know im not a good person,
i know im a bitchy mouth u'd ever heard,
i know that things are went worst every day,
n i know u had too much
n i even sick of it...

i know im not a good person,
but i'd been a nice person to u in the past,maybe...
i know that things might changes
we all change..
we're changed without we even didnt realized it
we're fight
we're mad,
we're cried,
n we're more!
other people were clapping hand
said look they'll never make it...
n owh bloody yes,
they might right

i know im not a good companion,
so i lose hope,
lose faith,
lose courage,
going down down down till i really fell down to the ground

i know im not a good lover,
i'd went a hard day just to forget him,
just to forget love,
just to forget happiness,
n just to stay here in the dark...
my bad time,
but the one that i'd missed most,
my dark place,
my very own companion...

just when i saw you
from my darkest place
when you gave your hand
to pull me out of this darkest hole
i hesitated to take the risk..
the moment i grab your hand
and came out from my comfy darkest place
i felt like im a live once again
i could breath
i could smile
i saw color of happiness

I know i am not able to blink my eyes again
Coz the scare is still there
Could it be just dream?
Is this dream??
Im too afraid to blink or to close or to open my eyes
Bcoz im afraid that things might change
And i really wouldnt want that....

Just a glimpse of a thought
Where is exactly am I now...??

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Konvoi Raya 1 Sept 2011... ^_^ (Entry Lama)

Salam and great day...

Entry kali ni Syerra nak update pasal Konvoi Raye yang Syerra and kawan2 skolah menengah dulu buat time raya baru2 ni... Pergh!~ Giler havoc and happening mcm biasa!~ Tahun ni, kami 6 buah kereta melawat 8 buah rumah kawan2!~ And serious shit, it was an awesome and nice memories for this raya!~ ^_^ Thanks again guys..!!~ is the story...

Seawal 8 pagi Syerra dah bangun and bersiap2 sebab kalau ikot plan, pkul 10 pagi dah gerak ke rumah Kemy di Tanjung Bangkung...Tp, Nor sms and btau Ejam lambat sket...So tunda ke pukul 11 pg...Syerra pon sesiap la berbaju kurung. Adik Syerra Kayla pun Syerra ajak join skali, sian plak dia duk umah sensorang...Dekat je pukul 11 pagi, Zaini sama Dok pun sampai umah nenek, ambik Syerra and adik. Hensem plak dorang time raya-raya nih!~ ^_^ heheh... =P Lepas je ambik kami, kitorg terus ke rumah Nor, ambik dia pulak... Nab and Syaima dah tunggu dengan Saga WTF (number plat oke..) dorang kat simpang jalan...So, Wira si Zaini and Saga si Nab pun terus meluncur laju ke Tanjung Bangkung...Destinasi pertama kami, umah Kemy. Kat sana Alip dah sampai lama rupanya!~ Pukul 10 pagi beliau da terpacak depan umah Kemy...Hehehe... Sorry Alip, aku lupa roger ko yang kitorang lambat sikit... >_< jgn marah oke!~ ^_^)Y peace bro!~

Tak lama lepas tu, Ejam pon sampai... Meor pulak menyusul lepas tu...Wow!!~ Sronok nii dapat jumpa member2 lama!!~ ^_^ Jom tgk gambar kt umah Kemy...

Rumah Kemy di Kg Tanjung Bangkung, Malim Nawar, Perak...

Lepas dah beraya kat umah Kemy ni, kitorang beraya pulak ke rumah Yop, di kampung yang sama jugak... Yang best nye time ni, kami ex-student SRK Methodist Malim Nawar, dapat berjumpa dengan cikgu lama kami; Puan Rohani!!~ ^_^ OMG!~ It's been ages since the last time i saw her....dah bertahun2 x jumpa kot...6 tahun mebi..mungkin lebih!~ Lucky she still remember me.. ^_^ Jom tengok gambar...
 Bersama dengan Cikgu Rohani (bertudung hijau) di rumah beliau di Kg Tanjung Bangkung, Malim Nawar..

rumah fatimah

rumah che as

rumah nor

rumah nabilah rumah wawan

rumah ejam

*Pergh! giler lame entry ni Syerra simpan kt draft ni... If tak silap, last year waiting for the pics from friends...Last2 ni je la yg dpt... HAHAH!!~

Just utk tatapan korang je la how me and friends celeb raye last year... ^_^

Till then,
Take care guys

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Just a Little Words...

Salam and great day,

Gonna make you feel those things no one's made you feel before
gonna give the kind of love that keeps you coming back for more
gonna take your every wish and make every wish come true
I'll be the one who'll be good to you
I'll be the answer to your every dream
and when you're not with me
you'll wish that you could be.
I'm gonna make you miss me so bad, baby
I'm gonna make it so you can't get enough of my love
I'm gonna make sure every night you dream of my touch
until you're touching me, until you're touching me again.
Gonna kiss you everywhere, show you how a kiss should feel
gonna give something to you that keeps you running back to me
gonna haunt you're every thought make you want me more and more
I'll be the one you'll be dying for.
Cause I know what to do to do you right
and when you close your eyes
you'll dream of me all night.
I'm gonna make you ........
You can't resist don't even try
this love too strong to be denied
I will get into your heart, I will get into your mind
You can't escape this time.
I'm gonna make you.......

Save every little kiss for me tonight
like the one you gave me once upon a time
and when the moon and stars come out to shine
I'll tell them each and every one of them you're mine.
Open the little box of memories
of all the times you gave yourself only to me
just when I thought our love was dead and gone
the story turns a page to carry on.
Cause you're everything I ever wanted, all I ever wanted, all I ever wanted
since the day that you went away I've been alone and broken hearted
but what my heart really wants to know
if you're gonna stay or if you're gonna go
and I'm telling you please if you're coming back into my life...
don't ever say goodbye.
Que tu eres lo que mas quiero, lo que yo mas quiero, lo que yo mas quiero.
since the day that you went away I realized you're all I live for.
but what my heart really wants to know
if you're gonna stay or if you're gonna go
and I'm telling you please if you're coming back into my life....
don't ever say goodbye. 

till then, 
Take care guys

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

PLX - What is it??

Salam and great day,

Hari ni Syerra nak explain sket psl APA ITU PLX?? I believe ramai yang dah terbaca mahupon men-try mende ni...Ada yg paham, ada yg blur2 dan ada yg masih ZERO, tatau langsung ape mende PLX ni...kan?

So, biar Syerra terang serba sedikit tentang PLX ni...

PLX ni atau nama panjangnye PRELAUNCH X adalah sejenis enjin rujukan utk websites, products dan services...PLX ni boleh digunakan secara suka2 dan juga untuk mengaut keuntungan tak kiralah untuk korang semua secara individu, atau pon org yg ade kepentingan dlm company yg menguruskan product/service/laman web...TAK PAHAM? maksudnye...korang bole gunekan PLX ni utk diri korang sdri...atau pon kalau korang ada company ke, ade jual2 barang ke, ade sedia kan servis pape ke and nak promote, boleh la pkai mende ni... =) 

Kenapa nak guna PLX ni??
Untuk bisnes, kalau korang ade bisnes sdri tak kire la ape2 pon...jual biskot ke, baju ke, on9 ke, kereta sewa ke apa2 je la...n korg lancarkan bisnes korg ni dgn menggunakan PLX,korang dah bukak 1 PINTU BESAR kepada bisnes korg sbb dekat luar tu, berjuta-juta org tgh tak sabar2 menunggu utk mengetahui ape product baru, ape servis baru and ape laman web baru kat sini. Macam Google... Berjuta2 org guna Google utk cari macam2...haa, same la jgk dgn PLX ni...

PLX ni jugak adalah satu enjin yg sedang mencari produk dan servis utk pelbagai jenis orang di SERATA DUNIA!! well...internet kan, seluruh pelusuk dunia pon kite bole connect! =) Yang bagusnya nanti, PLX ni nnt akan membekalkan pengguna-pengguna dengan harga yang lebih rendah, tapi kualiti mantap, ataupon ade kelebihan lain yg dekat luar xde! PLX ni jugak lebih mencari produk atau servis yang kite gunakan sbg daily use...kalau x pon, product atau servis yang orang slalu nk guna/pakai. Ini adalah supaya semua pengguna PLX dpt peluang untuk menjana pendapatan yang berterusan...

Haa...itu kalau untuk orang yang ade bisnes... Kalau untuk individu pulak, individu tersebut boleh mendapat komisyen shga $1000.... bukan seribu ringgit ye...seribu USD! =) world wide kan...bukan kat malaysia je...Mcm mana nak dpt komisyen ni?? dengan cara menjemput kawan2 sahaja....

Now, jom Syerra terangkan psl Syerra pnya PLX....

Utk 1st time users, once dorg sign up, otomatik kat dalam akaun dorg ni da dimasukkan $100... tp tgk la amount yang da dimasukkan dlm account syerra, da meningkat from 100 to 111.... =)

Mcm mane Syerra buat...?? Just jemput orang je utk signup...

Daripada table ni, yg lock no 1 tu, ade 5 org dibawah Syerra. So cuma lock no 1 je Syerra pnya downline...diorang signup je, otomatik kat account kita da dpt $100 utk setiap sorg, dan kita jugak dpt komisyen $10 utk setiap sorg tu..So bile lock no 1 tu jemput kwn2 sorg, maka terjadilah downline mcm kat atas tu...

Dan....sehingga stakat ini, Syerra dah berjaya unlock separuh no1-5...ape beza unlock n lock?? okay utk yg lock tu, kite x bole earn any rewards, so duit terkumpul tu kita x bole nk collect. Caranya kite kene unlock dlu lock 1-5 tu. Mcm mane??  dgn cara sponsor skurang2nya 3 org dlm downline kita....utk unlock lock no 6-10, kita kene beli salah satu drpd PLX-approved training courses...

Macam mana nak jemput kawan2?? Haa...SHARE je button2 kat situ..sume da disediakan...=)

Nanti korang senang2, maka silalah melayari website tersebut. Semua dah dibgtau details kat situ...


Ape pulak potential earning ni?? Potential Earning ini adalah duit yang BAKAL kita dapat. Maknenye x confirm lagilaa...Mengapa dan kenapa semuanya ada diterangkan didalam website tersebut. =) tapi, tak salah nak mencuba sbb bende ni free, tak perlu kluar modal, x perlu bg no acc and korang pon tak perlu risau nak rugi apa2...mana tau tiba2 nasib kita dpt betol2 kan?? so x salah mencuba at no risk! =)

Till then,
Take care guys...

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Promosi Kuih Raya ^_^

Salam and Great Day,

Tak lama lagi dah nak puasa… Lepas tu dah raya… Agak2 tahun ni buat ke beli kuih raya? ^_^ Kepada sesiapa yang rasa-rasa malas nak buat tu, meh la kita beli je kuih raya ni…~ ^_^ Sila tengok sample di bawah…

   Biskut Chocolate Chip    
RM20 (50 biji sebalang)

Biskut Gajus
RM20 (50 biji sebalang)

Biskut Kurma Cheese          
      RM 20 (50 biji sebalang)               
Biskut Makmur
  RM 20 (50 biji sebalang)

Biskut Tat Nenas
RM 25 (50 biji sebalang)
-Juga terdapat Tat Gulung Nenas-
So kepada siapa2 yang berminat boleh la hubungi Syerra di:


encik tunang:

Semoga Raya tahun ini sentiasa meriah....!!~ ^_^

Till then,
Take care!~

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Review Product: Sabun Papaya

Salam and great day,

Hari ni Syerra nak buat review product kat entry kali ni. =) Ramai yang tertanya2 Syerra apa facial wash yang Syerra pakai, and bedak muka apa yang Syerra pakai?? Kebiasaannya, kalau pergi mana2 mesti ada soalan camni "Eh cantik kulit muka awak, awak pakai ape ye?"... ^_^ Alhamdulillah, syukur sgt2 dengan pemberian Allah ni...yelah, walau gigi tak cantik tak tersusun rapi, tapi ada benda lain yang cantik... Tuhan tu mmg maha adil...kan?

So, back to my facial wash...
Ramai yang cuba meneka, mesti Syerra pakai produk cleansing yang mahal...and TEETTT!!~ Salah!!~

Nak tau ape yang Syerra pakai untuk membersihkan kulit muka Syerra ni? Jom tgk gambar kat bawah...

Sabun Papaya dari RDL.
Kalau nak tau, sabun ni la yang Syerra guna sejak 10 tahun yang lalu...macam tak percayakan? Tapi Syerra ni mmg seorang yang jenis brand loyalty... Kalau dah pakai satu2 barang tu, memang barang tu je la yang Syerra pakai!

Jom Syerra terangkan pasal sabun papaya ni... =)

Sabun ni nama dia PAPAYA WHITENING SOAP dan ianya keluaran syarikat RDL dari Philippines. Bila orang tanya sabun ape ni?? Tak pernah dengar pon?? Well, selamba Syerra ckp 'Sabun Pasar Malam je...' Teringat lagi 1st time Syerra guna sabun ni masa umur 16 thn, time tu muka budak2 sekolah memang hitam la..mana tak nye, asek main panas je...bersukan lagi..kalau bukak tudung skolah tu muka memang berbelang la hitam putih...

 so apa kebaikan sabun ni??
Sabun ni daripada betik, dan seperti yang kita sedia maklum, betik mmg berkhasiat...dia tersangat kaya dengan vitamin A, C dan E.

Dan apa pulak fungsi vitamin A, C dan E ni??
Kalau nak tau, Vitamin A sangat bagus untuk kulit kerana ianya membantu proses pembaharuan sel2 kulit. Kalau kulit muka kita tak cukup dengan vitamin A ni, nanti kulit muka kita akan kering.So Vitamin A ni pon berfungsi melindungi kulit muka kita dari kekeringan. Kalau perasan, cuba tengok cuaca sekarang ni, sangat panas kan? Lagi kulit muka akan cepat kering....Selain tu, dalam proses pembaharuan sel2 kulit tu, Vitamin A ni akan membantu dalam membuang sel2 kulit mati. Kalau muka yang ada jerawat tu, pakai sabun ni akan pedih sedikit, TAPI vitamin A ni membantu membuka sumbatan pada liang pori2 dan mempercepatkan penyembuhan jerawat... =)

See...Baguskan?? ^_^

Vitamin C pulak berfungsi utk mengurangkan kerosakan sel2 kulit dan sekaligus menguatkan jaringan kolagen yang ada pada kulit kita ni. Kalau nak tau, setiap hari radikal bebas ataupon sel2 perosak merosakkan sel kulit kita. Radikal bebas ni dtg dari sinar UV...tu psl kebanyakan skin care byk terdapat UV protection...bukan shja pd sinar UV, radikal bebas ni pon ada terdapat dalam pencemaran mcm jerebu, dan juga boleh dtg dr diri kita sendiri melalui stress..tu psl kebanyakan org tumbuh jerawat sket kalau stress..kan? Hehehe... =) so fungsi Vitamin C ni adalah sbg zat yang menangkap radikal bebas tersebut. Ianya juga dikenal sebagai agen antioksidan, iaitu melambatkan proses penuaan...

Bukan tu sahaja! Vitamin C ni juga membantu melindungi sel2 kulit kita, mempercepatkan penyembuhan dan juga merangsang pembentukan serat2 elastin dan kolagen dlm kulit kita supaya kulit kita ni anjal dan x jatuh. PALING BAGUS, vitamin C ni berfungsi untuk mencerahkan kulit... ^_^mmg inila yang Syerra cari selama ni... Hehehe..

Last but not least, Vitamin E pulak fungsi dia lebih kurang sama dgn vitamin C, cuma ianya lebih menjaga kelembapan kita. =)

Kadang2 kita ni beli je produk, tp ape kandungan dia, dan apa kebaikan dia kita tak tahu...bile dengar orang ckp bagus, n suruh beli, kita pon beli je...kan? :-p

Siapa yang nk try product ni boleh try...senang je nak dpt, kebanyakan kedai jamu ada jual. Harga dia skrg dlm rm5 je skotak tu...bila nak pkai, potong sebuku sabun tu kepada 6 bhgn kecil...senang...tringat lagi, dulu harga dia RM2.50 da sampai ada certain kedai yang jual dgn harga rm6.50-7... =.= packaging pon da tuka skrg, yg ni packaging lama... =)

TAPI x semua orang serasi dengan produk mcm ni...klu korang pakai, n rase kulit muka korg x sesuai ke, STOP pkai k...bukan ape, condition kulit muka org berbeza2...betul? =) n Syerra mmg pkai produk psr mlm ni je dr 10 thn I have no doubt on it, n I believe it! ^_^

Wait for my next entry, review product on bedak muka pulak.. ^_<

Till then,
Take care guys.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Just a thought...^_^

Salam and great day...

Just a thought....^_^

This is so nice... I can be a perfect princess for one day with combination of long sleeves.... ^_^


Love the combination of white and gold... <3 <3 <3

Till then,
Take care guys...

Friday, 22 June 2012

Menjeruk perasaan.....

Salam n great day,

Nothing much to story...just to inform that im so attached with bella luna n tentang rasa now...the lyrics of bella luna totally got nothing to do with me..i just adore the rhythm...the soft music that i really thougt could make me calm from menjeruk perasaan ni....but tentang rasa, the meaning are so deep for me...cry to hear that song...ohhhh....

Phase...step...stage...what other words? Wheel... =.=

To inform you guys that menjeruk perasaan for me is for my phases of life....simple saying like wheel of life...where we cant predict what is going to happen...right? Notice that we can try to make it happen...but, when you refer to your life, it is something moving...movement for whole your cant stop, unless ur dead! Still, even if your dead, theres another movement you have to go through...called it as alam akhirat..right?

Back to the topic...
See the wheel...when its moving to run your life, how long we will be on top? N how long we will be at the bottom? How long its gonna take to climb up again, and how long its gonna take to fall down again?

Langit tak selalunya cerah...right? Have to remember that its not gona always cloudy and rainy too... Sometimes, theres always a beautiful rainbow after the rainy day...That is what I hope for myself...

I know, maybe now my day are not so bright...maybe my wheel is going to reach the bottom line of my life....but i will always believe that theres a beautiful 7 colors of rainbow are waiting for me to go through with my day....i will always believe that my wheel gonna be on top again...its a fitrah of life...whether i want it or not, whether i like it or not, i have to face it!

Menjeruk perasaan,
I dunno why it tastes so bloody sour... =.=
I dun have any mood to do anything right now...
I reject and decline everything...
At least i feel satisfied...
Satisfied when i gather all the sours and recognize each of it,
N then i tell myself 'owh, so this is the taste of it'...
I know im a bloody ego..
I know im a hard headed..
I even know very well that i cant control myself when i get really mad!

N i missed my old partner who used to be with it...

Menjeruk perasaan, mencuka pemikiran...
Serious dah lama gile tinggalkan sastera...
But i wouldnt forget to metaphore each of the words... :-)

Now im asking what the hell yg aku bebelkan kat sini...?? =.= adoiiiyaaiiiii...wake up, Syerra!! Wake up!!!

I wana go home tonight, but when im thinking that i have to face each of them with my current mood, which im very sure gonna bloody spoil my whole night and day there! So i dont want! =.= it is much much better if i stay here in my tiny lil room.. :-)

Menjeruk perasaan again,
and serious shit that I AM NOT OKAY!

Till then,
Take care urself only coz others wont take care it for you!

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Nak...Tapi Taknak..

Salam and great day to all,

Byk entry yg still in the draft...bila nak cont abeskan entry tu pon ntah la...entry yg lama x siap lagi, dah klua entry ni... =.=

Forget it!

I just wanna share something..Obviously, I AM SO BERBELAH BAHAGI now... =.=

Previously, I did applied on something, but yet to have it...and now, so called almost get it, but my inner self doubt on it and I felt like 'Owh pls, I dont want it!'...

Kenapa eh manusia mcm ni? Termasuk la Syerra sndiri.. =.=

Dulu Syerra nak sgt! I was so desperate to have it! but now, when they call me, and chit chat with me..explain the real nature of it, and might have it for me, suddenly rasa mcm taknak pulak...adoiyaii kenapa ni Syerra? kenapa mcm ni? kenapa??

C'mon Syerra...
Takkanlah baru digertak sikit macam tu kau dah nak surrender?? Kau belum pon lagi mencuba nya...Dulu beriya nak sgt, bila dah nak dapat, ko was2 and taknak pulak...ape ni??? =.= SIYESLY, NO IDEA!

Dulu kau tak macam ni...dulu kau la yg terkenal dengan RARE tu...dulu kau la yg no 1st skali nak try or nak buat mende2 yg org lain taknak or tak buat! skrg ape sudah jadi?? KECUT??

Tapi tu DULU...Dulu is dulu...Sekarang is sekarang!!

Ingat lagi tak ape niat kau dulu? sblm kau apply? time ko desperate sgt2 menjaja kehulu kehilir...? =.= Skrg bila dah ada peluang, kenapa tak grab?? kenapa nak lepaskan?? HOMAIGOD! what are you syerra??

=.= SIYESLY, NO IDEA again.. =.=

Syerra nak! tapi...Syerra taknak! =.=L

I'm a looser now!

c'mon Syerra,
Tuhan takkan menjadi kan sesuatu perkara tu tanpa sebab...Walau kau taknak, tapi takdir menentukan, jadi maksudnya msti ada sebab kenapa Tuhan dah aturkan perjalanan hidup kau mcm ni...betul?

Syerra, percayalah kepada Qada' dan Qadar,
Andai apa yang pernah kau minta, apa yang pernah kau niatkan, dan apa yg pernah kau nazarkan menjadi kenyataan, terimalah segalanya dengan redha dan pasrah...Jangan pesong kan niat kau diawal mula2 kau meminta pada Tuhan...

Jgn sebab gertakan kecil yang tak seberapa itu, kau jadi Kecut dan Takut untuk mengharunginya...Ingatlah, andai ia milikmu, pasti ada hikmah...Tuhan tahu apa yang terbaik buat dirimu...

I know, SWEETY slalu ada dlm diri dan hatiku tatkala aku memerlukan seorang teman utk berbicara..dia sentiasa memberikan jalan terbaik buatku walau kadang2 diriku sndiri memberontak tak mahu ikot segala nasihatnya... =.= I'm a looser again!

kadang2, bende yg kita mintak sgt2, tak dpt...bende yg kita x mintak pulak dapat...kan?? =.= Kenapa eh??

My situation:
Nak sgt--->hampir dapat---->rase tak best--->tros taknak---->tiba2 Tuhan kasi, n dapat pulak!----> =.=

syerra patut bersyukur..right? I know...

I admit, maybe I'm too afraid to take the challenge... =.=

C'mon Syerra,
go and get it..! and Grab it!!

Okay... Kun Fayya Kun... Jadi maka jadi lah ia....btol?

Andai ia milikku...atau bukan milikku  kelak, pasti ade hikmah disebaliknya...
Walaupon digertak sebegitu, harap2 aku kuat! ^_^

Nawaitu kene ikhlas....
Ape yg pernah aku niatkan dulu, Insyaallah tuhan akan tolong...
Sekarang Syerra minta pada diri sdri, jgn pesongkan niat itu!! aminnnn.....

till then,
Take Care

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Ombak rindu...

Salam and great day,

I juz came back from my night out..had some movie time and late dinner with him.. ^_^ well, that is certainly not my point on writing this...i juz wana share my mood now...more to flying without wings where I cant feel the ground! oh my God! where's my leg?? owh here! see..i'm flying now...told cha already! :-P

Speaking on my title of this entry, Im sure you guys have heard about this song..OMBAK RINDU...being popularized by the film as it is so sweet..the rhythm itself is so mendayu2 n so syahdu! only people who have the same feeling as mine will feel this song...

i know, my second big day is juz around the by day, the date is getting near! swear to God, I never felt like this...i mean this seriousness... ^_^ n till now, when i slap my face, it did felt hurts, but amazingly i still cant believe that I AM DOING THIS..! this preparation...Oh my God, is this really true?? semoga dipermudahkan segala urusanku kelak...amin... :-)

Well then, back to the original topic...where were we? owh yes, the Ombak Rindu.. :-) close your eyes, listen to the music, feel the will feel something when you really feel this song and take it to your heart, mind, body n soul...a feeling where you really wants someone...someone that is so special to your eyes, someone that you really love and you promise to yourself, you wanna be with him/her for the rest of your life and you ask from God where you will be so Ikhlas... ahh! this song is really sweet for me... i could close my eyes and be in different world now....

'tuhan tolong lembutkan hati dia...utk terimaku seadanya...kerana ku x sanggup, kerana ku x mampu hidup tanpa dia disisiku....'

im flying now when i realized that this is true for me...thus, im praying so much as i can to dear God for him to accept all the bad n good from me....becoz i know, i wana be with him, and this phase is no longer joking when we're talked about marriage...a new n big responsible to handle in building family and to lead it...i know i am no longer kid and i am big enough to take the responsibility...just wana say that I am ready for that!

'tuhan, aku tahu byk dosaku..hanya igt kan mu kala duka ku...namun hanya kamu yg mampu membuka pntu hatinya utk cintaku...'

i realized too that im juz an ordinary person...i cant escape from made any mistakes...i know im a weak when its true to admit that sometimes i forgot my dear God..its true when people talk that bile da susah baru igt tuhan, time senang xnk igt pulak..i never argue on that situation...

'malam kau bawa lah rinduku utk dirinya yg jauh dr ku...agar dia tidak kesepian, selalu rasa ada cinta agung...'

he's quite far from me, n getting far soon...its normal right when a couple missing each other? :-) night is the most feeling time and when i miss him,i will whisper to the wind and let it blow to him...i juz wanted him to know that he is not alone, i will always be with him...owh this song's really get me flying without wings again....owh my God! Catch me! Catch me!! :-)

'hujan bawa airmataku yang mengalir membasuh lukaku...agar dia tahu ku terseksa tanpa cinta dia dihatiku...'

My past in love relation before him was bad! But i know God really loves me..He met us up...i was so heartbroken before this until i found him...frankly speaking, i never thought that i would or i could go far with him until like what we had now... Oh my God! Thanks so much dear God for the gift...i really need him to cover the hole in my heart...and to complete my heart back that turned into pieces before this...he is something that really cant be describe with words...

'Hanya mampu berserah, moga cahaya di penanti....'

We're both have try so much on what we can do, n now its time to give it all to dear God to make His job...i hope there will be a real happy ending for us, not just a talking dream or imagination...after all, Kun Fayya Kun...Jadi, Maka Jadilah Ia dengan kehendak tuhan....

Shit! Its 1:35am now n what the hell im doing at this late of nite? Like i dont have to go to work tomorrow morning...i should be sleeping latest by 12:00am...but now its almost 2... My god! My god! Lets go to sleep now syerra! :-)

Till then,
Take care guys...

Monday, 21 May 2012

Sumpah, x paham!

Salam n great day,

Harap korg sume syerra nk ckp psl 1 bende skrg...short n simple!

Tgk kt tv x? Baca surat khabar x? Dengar kt radio x? Ape jadi dgn budak2 muda zaman skrg? Make love, mmg mcm da perkara biasa....mengandung anak luar nikah pon da mcm xde mende! Patu, buang2 anak, da jadi mcm trend pulak kan?? Salah siapa?? Salah anak2?? Salah mak bapak?? Salah family?? Salah kwn2?? Or salah persekitaran??

N syerra 200% menyalahkan persekitaran! Sbb persekitaran tu da merangkumi semua!!

Bole nampak x? Atau korg sndiri penah mengalami nya?? Bile laki pempuan yg xde ikatan asik bkepit, kehulu ke hilir da mcm belangkas, mak bapak bising..kata x elok xde pape ikatan tp da dihangkut kesana kemari... Then bila da bertunang, nak dilambat2kan pulak kawen si anak...alasan itu alasan ini...padahal si anak da cukup mampu nk bina family... Bila mak bapak x kasi kawen, si anak memberontak... Hawa nafsu ni kdg2 sukar dikawal... Bende baik nk dilambatkan, lepas tu bile bende buruk dicepatkan2, si anak mula la bikin onar ke hape ke, tau pulak mak bapak nk malu?? Tau pulak nak naik hantu?? Kita x boleh nk ramal bende2 mcm ni...thats why sebelum terjadi, DIELAKKAN!!


Memang da kucar kacir nampaknye... Perbalahan semakin berleluasa...perdamaian tak pulak ditemui....ape nak jadi??

Syerra BUKAN nak salahkan sesapa, TIDAK JUGAK MENUDING JARI kepada mana2 pihak,maaf andai ade yg trase, tp fikirlah sendiri!!! Jgn pentingkan diri....tepuk dada, tanya hati! Bukak mata n bukak minda skali!

Peace no war!

Till then,
Take care

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Thinking Thursday... ^_^

Salam and great day,

I just wanna share this few words... ^_^


 Till then,
Take care guys ^_^

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Advance Suprise Birthday Party..

Salam and great day,

First of all, I would like to wish Happy birthday-29 years old to my beloved fiance-to-be, Mr. Moraz El Fahd Jr.  I hope that this year gonna give you a bright successful in anything you do. I also hope that our love will grow stronger day by day and may the happiness be with you now and forever. God bless you, syg...Insyaallah... ^_^

So today, I wanna share bout the advance birthday party that I have made for him last nite.. ^_^ Actually, I did the post for this entry and try to publish it last nite, but dunno where it went wrong, it cant be published and suddenly all of it had gone! goshhh...I dont even save it coz I thought it will saved automatically...but then, HUWAAA.... :-( so sad coz i have to write again and have to remember every words I wrote last nite... Homai!~ Of coz I'll never remember each of it... =.=

Now, move to the story... :-)

Yesterday, 9 May, when I went to work early morning, I drop at the cake shop for a while, just to survey what cake do they have? and I saw the very nice one, Oreo Cheese looks so yummy and delicious and I want to grab it now! but I thought Owh its okay, later laa I buy after finish my work...and I went to office...

Tiktok tiktok...Oke Balik time!!! ^_^

I rushed to find a birthday card. Wow! There were so many cutey and lovely cards they have...My eyes got blanks and my mind felt dizzy coz I dunno which one to select...then, AHAH!!~ FOUND IT!! ^_^ it looks so feminine... with those couple pigeons, and flowery and love in the air...and what I liked most were those words!!~ Oh goshh...It is so lovely!!~ and really suit my condition and him right now... ^_^ okay whatever! but still...hey, this card was meant for a girl or boy?? Ah! Who cares..though it looks like for girl, I still wanna buy it! just because of the lovely wishes they have there in the cards....Haaahhhh...remembering it, I feel like flying in the sky now... <3 <3 <3

Okay now, lets go and grab the cake!!~ ^_^ I went speedily and hurry and rushing to the shop cake...My eyes bigger to find the cake...where is it?? where is it?? Where is my Oreo cheese cake???? It has gone! :-( okay, I felt so sad...never mind, maybe its not my luck I guessed... =.=

Then I start to looked around and found a few cakes with beautiful design and at reasonable price! ^_^ and then, here comes another problem...I have to struggled and scrambled with two other buyers for the chocolate cakes...Damn! They've won the struggling.. Now only left for 1 chocolate cake..and it Choco Banana cake... Banana?? Oh my, I'm not a banana-liker... =.= by hook or by crook, still I have to bought it or otherwise there would be no cake for him...

Done all the thingy-Card and headed to Kerinchi... ^_^ I had to deal with the restaurant and the live band... ^_^ with my baju kurung moden, and wearing high heels, handbag in left shoulder, cake and files in right hand, i went speedily to Farid Corner...Okay, that was tired after a long walking! but never mind, as long as the planned is well planned and went through, thats a relieve for me! ^_^

Here we ago!~ Finally arrived at Farid Corner...but unfortunately the boss was not there...Maybe he was a lil bit late... I dunno...So i went to speak with the makcik there... and go through with her the plan for tonite... ^_^ and she was just like, '' hahah!~ I'd request for the live band to play the birthday song when we arrived later. :-) well, this live band is a the 30 cent band. Have you guys ever heard about it? well, honestly I never heard about it before until he told me about it, about his friend who has band and own music song. Wow! thats great! and NO DOUBT the group's voice is very good...Try go there -Farid Corner, kg Kerinchi... ^_^

After finish all the discussion, I went to my house, get ready and waited for him to fetch me..but he was so bz! Until 9 he was still not finish his meeting... Owh my! =.= then he called me and told that he was about to fetch me and on his way now... ^_^

When we arrived at the Farid Corner, that Makcik was smiling at me... Sabar makcik! Dont start it now... hahah!~ the live band was playing the music and singing to entertain all the visitors there...Not bad huh your voice! I do adore it!~ :-)

We're ordered our food and chit chatting while he was seriously bz with his football game.. =.= after a while, my food arrived...only my food...we have to waited for quite a long time for his food to come.. =.= soccay,I turned my head back as the live band is behind me and so the makcik...i gave the thumb up to the makcik, meaning that Do It Now! ^_^

he was STILL bz with his phone gaming... Owh my! =.= and the music turned to a birthday music sound suddenly...he showed his weird face...his eyebrow started to wrinkle...I ate my charkuetiau with slumber and smiling face...he turned to face me...and asked me,'mcm lagu birthday pulak..'...Seriously I couldnt hold my smile, I feels like I wanna laugh to see his face...he turned back and see Kakak is bringing the cake to us and the singer sing the birthday song, so do I while I was clapping my hands and singing for him too..He was seem so suprised..

He asked me when did I bought the cake? when did I came to Farid Corner? When did I planned all this? many questions and I wouldnt answer it sayang... ^_^

I asked him to make a wish before he blew the candle... :-) and later I gave him the card that I took out from my handbag...I heard that singer from the live band said 'Sweet la gf lu bro...' owh, really? Did I?? hahah... ^_^ Dalam hati ade taman!

Actually his birthday is today and I supposedly celebrate with him today...but he was so bz n Im afraid we cant celebrate it together...So thats why I'd decided to make it earlier...

I love syg...May happiness be with you now and forever and may our love grow larger and larger everyday.. god bless you always.. Happy 29 yrs old birthday on 10 may 2012 ddy! MLDSM!

Thats all i wanna share.. ^_^

till then, take care guys!

Tuesday, 17 April 2012


Salam and Great Day,

I looked into her eyes
I got lost in their depth
A glance into the future
Revealing the secrets she kept

For so many years she cared too
Yet we were both afraid to say
We avoided each other completely...
Every time, simply another day

She cried to me one night.
~Please help, I don't know what to do~
I wrapped my arms around her body.
~It is okay now, I'm here with you~

She told me about her boyfriend,
He cheated, and hurt her bad...
I told her not to worry...
But in the inside I was getting mad.

I held back my anger...
And I comforted her instead.
Playing with her hair,
She lay still on my bed.

I leaned over to kiss her cheek,
She smiled and turned to me.
~Thank you for being there...
I Have finally learned to see~

With that she drifted off,
I left her quietly sleeping.
~How could anyone want to hurt her? ~
I ran through thoughts, my heart leaping.

I met up with her boyfriend,
Swung out of pure love and rage.
A knife stabbed through my stomach..
~God where were you today?~

My head smacking onto the pavement,
My breath getting thin...
My vision blurred and fading slowly...
This was a battle I could never win.

As this darkness consumes me...
Light fills my eyes...
I am proud to have lost my life,
If it meant ending her cries...

-This is another else-

Age of six
He loved her so
And everyday
He'd let her know

"I love you Grace"
He'd say each day
She'd just laugh
And run away

Till one day
She turned around
And sat with him
On the playground

"I'm sorry Chris
I don't love you
You'll find someone else
Who loves you too"

Highschool came
They met again
They laughed about
The things back then

They began to date
And fell in love
He got the girl
That he'd dreamed of

But when college came
Everything changed
They were far apart
With lives rearranged

"We'll be fine Grace"
But she had doubt
She turned and said
"It won't work out"

"I'm sorry Chris
I can't love you
You'll find someone else
Who loves you too"

In their twenties
They met again
They laughed about
The things back then

He took her hand
They began to dance
Their old romance

Two years later
She became his wife
They'd be together
All of their life

They went on a drive
When it was no longer light
They drove down the roads
Of the starry night

The music came on
She started to sing
He whispered, "Grace
You're my everything"

But then suddenly
In one big flash
Headlights shone
As their car crashed

He saw her laying
Down on the ground
He felt his tears
Start rolling down

"Grace..." he cried
She took his hand
"I have to leave...
Please understand"

"I love you so much
It's always been true
But you'll find someone else
And you'll love again too"

"No," he cried
"It's always been you
I don't want someone else
I only want you"

And there on that street
Is where he cried
Hugging his love
As she slowly died 

-Some More-

Looking back on everything,
I still remember his smile.
I wish things didn't end so soon,
And turn back time for awhile.

No matter how much it hurts,
I still love him so.
A part of me needs him so much,
Can't seem to let him go.

Knowing I won't be able to see him,
Makes my heart cry out in pain.
I can't believe we won't talk anymore,
The thought makes me wanna go insane.

He was my reason for waking up,
For the smile you see on my face.
Going a single day without him,
Makes me feel so out of place.

I was afraid of opening up,
Now I'm afraid of the next day.
Whenever I see him one last time,
I'm terrified of what he may say.

I know tomorrow will hurt,
But the tears will fade away.
Life is too short for regrets,
There will be a brighter day.

But when I see him one last time,
I won't know what to do...
When he tells me that last goodbye,
I'll whisper,"I already miss you.."

Till then,
Take Care again...

Would you just listen?

Salam And Great Day,

I have something to share here..again..

Would you just listen and please don't say a word, just yet,
I'd like you to think back to the very first time we met,
How you felt around me? The memories we shared,
And just remember that once upon a time, you really cared.

Now think about how we parted, and how much I cried,
But please don't speak, remember that I never ever lied,
That I told you the honest truth about why we were to split,
But now I'd like you to know that my heart broke bit by bit.

The pain was deep, unbearable and painful, for so many years,
I'll never forget all the sadness, all the uncontrollable tears,
Slowly I am rebuilding my life, I am content with what I've got,
And although it is hard I am beginning to forget what I have not.

You were a special part of my life that I will never forget,
A part of my life that broke my heart, but that I don't regret,
You gave me some happy memories that I'll keep in my heart,
Although sometimes I wish that you and I didn't have to part.

You were my first love and my true love, that will always be so,
After all of the heartache, sadness and never ending pain, I know,
You and I had something special and that will never change,
Because I love you and loving someone else will always seem strange.

Would you just listen and please don't say a word, not ever,
I'd like you to remember that once upon a time, we said forever,
That I had hopes and dreams, that I was the one who threw them away,
And this is something I will always regret until my dying day.

Till then, 
Take care...

Monday, 16 April 2012


Salam n great day,

Syerra x bole tdo now... My hp yg sgt2 penting tu tertinggal kt shah alam...pulak tu dedua simkad kt dlm tu... Adoiyaii..x perasan... Igtkan ade dlm handbag, rupenye xde...bila da sampai KL bru prasan yg hp tertinggal... T_T esok nk start kje, mcm manalah nnt clients nk call... Hukhukhuk! Esok pas abes kje kene balik shah alam jap amik hp...adoyaiii.... T_T

Tak dpt call ddy jgk...whatsapp jela nmpk gayenye esok.. T_T

Good night all...
Till then,
Take care...

Friday, 30 March 2012

My New Body Mist from Elianto...

Salam and great day,

Hari ni Syerra nak review product yang baru je Syerra beli semalam. ^_^ Semalam, time tgh jalan2 sama member2 kat Time Square, Syerra ternampak kedai Elianto... Lalu kitorg pon masuk la singgah...Syerra mmg da lama nak cari satu body mist ni... 1st sebab roomate Syerra pakai, then Syerra terus teringat 1 of my favorite perfume time zaman Diploma dulu... I thinks its Paris Hilton punya perfume...nama apa eh? Owh damn tak ingat! =.=

SEDUCTION Body Mist by Elianto

So, this is it!~ ^_^ My new body mist... SEDUCTION... really seducing!!~ ^_^ Harga dia RM21.00 sahaja but now tgh ade promo 10%..So harga dia jadi RM18.90 sahaja... and saiz dia 100ml...murah dan banyak la!~ ^_^

Body mist from Elianto ni sekarang ada 2 jenis dalam botol macam ni..Satu lagi warna Pink and itu gabungan flowers and bau dia sangat soft as compared to this. 

SEDUCTION ni gabungan buah-buahan and bau dia agak keras sket, tp TRUST me xde la keras sangat macam bau lelaki... =P hahah!~ and, bau dia betul2 menggoda tau!~ kalau x caya, ce try!~ ce try!~ ^_^

agak2 kalau ada bf tu, spray la kt leher, blakang tlinga, or pergelangan tangan or kat mana2 jelah yang korg nak jadikkan centre of attraction... ^_^ kompem bf korg tergoda!~ =P

SENSATION pulak yang warna pink and dia dari gabungan bunga-bungaan...bau dia very soft and very feminity.

SENSATION Body Mist by Elianto

 So, that's all I wana share with you guys... ^_^

Till then,
Take care.

Friday, 23 March 2012

These Streets...

Salam and great day,

Have something to share here,

I patiently waited for something to replace my dark
I got out of my bed coz' I couldn’t sleep,I took my car
It’s beautiful moonlit road tonight
I’ve got no one here by my side
I used to walk under these lights with you
And even if you left a long time ago
I miss you so
And even if you left a long time ago
I miss you so

And it’s hard to tell

If you'll ever come again
And it’s hard to tell
If you felt this for someone else

I’ve always known

I was never your muse
Never looked at me the way I look at you
And you always say that you love me more
But you never show it to me before
I’ll always know I was never your muse

And it’s hard to tell
If you want to remember this
And it’s hard to tell

And it’s hard to tell...

It’s hard cos you don’t come around anymore

I hope you find whatever is
You’re looking for
I hope you miss the streets like I do
Coz' this is what love of me and you 

Till then, 
take care guys 

Friday, 16 March 2012

Salam and Great Day,

Here is the translation of the post before.. ^_^ It's so merepek till I'm gonna die.. Check it out!~

I'm at office now...I feel really bored since there are only four of us left here...all the management site have gone to the Away Day program for three days...

I don't know what I think now...My mind are always turn upside down...Like there is no way for me to think wisely...I have also no idea on what to write here...Just a piece of words showing that I really got nothing to do here... and, why I keep repeating it? Oh my god!

Can I ask you something?

do you feel that I will get married end of this year? or before chinese new year next year?

I have no idea...

I love you
I hope you really know it...
Even if you know it,
I hope you will understand it...
And even if you understand it,
I hope you can feel it...
Because only love that matter for me...

I'm not a social person...
I'm not hu-ha type of girl...
I don't spend much of my time with my friends
Even with my family too...
but one thing you should know,
I will gather all my time just to be with you,
Only you...
I wish you could noticed it...

It's time for me go back now...
all my friends, my office mates here already gone...
but me?
still sitting in front of this computer...
they asked me for a movie tonight,
and as they already knew my answer,
like usual I will say no thank you...
It is not like I don't want to join them,
but I would much more love to go out with you...

I may be hard-headed person to you,
I may be like a queen control to you,
I may be like a private investigator of my own,
But one thing is so clear,
I am much more concern and caring towards you...
I will never put you behind,
Even if I was fall to the ground,
I would not let you to fall too...
Because all I really know is,
I do love you..
That's for sure...

P/s: I Love You... ^_^

Till then,
Take care guy...

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Salam and great day to all...
Lets read this...










(p/s: will update the real translations tomorrow (",))

Till then,
Take care guys...