Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Dinner Date With Mr. Love...

Salam n great day,  

I had a nice day n nite out today with my Mr.Love...  

Tgh hari si dia amik n bwk ke kilang dia...katenye perluka sedikit 'tangan' utk menyiapkan order yg blambak2...n Syerra pon dengan senang hati menolong si dia as long as ada dekat dgn dia... :-)  

Waahh!! Seksinya si dia time btungkus lumus bkerja... :-p hihihi... Gatai!!  

Syerra sempat tolong sikit je n x sempat nak abeskan sbb pkul 5 ade appointment dgn pak imam nk settle kan marriage thingy tu...then after selesai, syerra tros shoot g umah dia...then malam ni td kitorg g jalan2 kt setia city mall...sbb si dia katenye nk mencari barang2 hantarannya yang masih belom ckup...  

Smpai sane ktorg tros g parkson dlu...mencari facial utk si dia...sygnye facial yb da siap dlm bentuk gift xde... Semua kene beli satu2 n si dia mmg xnak mcm x jadi beli facial product kt situ...lps tu kitorg g tgk belt plak...ade diskaun 50% n dpt, belt, pen n wallet da siap balut sm kotak n wrapping plastik...bentuk kaler kotak sgt la 'deepavali'...kalerful! :-) n si diax bkenan...nasib ade satu kotak hitam n corak dia da belt nipis, si dia nak belt yg lebar...n x jd beli skali lg...adoii!! Fussynye! -_-' pengsan! :-p hahaha....  

Lps tu kitorg g tgk2 jam pulak...abes sume kedai jam kitorg masuk...jam adoiiii harga pon bapak cantik...!! -_- syerra x brapa stuju kalau dia nak abeskan duit  bribu2 smata nk beli jam...baik gune duit tu pegi honeymoon... ^_^ hihihi...syerra ckp dgn dia, klu nak syerra belikan boleh tp kne tgu lps kawen nnt... :-P x jd la beli jam...  

Lps da penat jenjalan, then kitorg pon g makan...sbelum gerak td, syerra ada bgtau si dia teringin nak makan Johnny's si dia kate kt setia city mall xde, yang ade pon Seoul Garden Steamboat n BBQ...  

So kitorg pon pegila situ...well, bg syerra agak mahal jgk la utk 2 org makan buffet counter dia, pergh! Banyak kot variety makanan...! Memang makan x hengat la.. :-)

Sebenarnya ni first time syerra makan kt restoran ni...selama ni dok lalu je tp tak terpanggil pon nak masuk..lucky ade si dia ajak syerra makan kt sini td... :-) terima kasih syg...  

Overall mmg best la sbb smbil ber steamboat bole ber bbq skali...makanan pon byk...ayam mcm2 flavor ade...spicy, black pepper, coffee, sze chuan, tomyam, curry n lain...seafood pon byk...kepah, oyster, bamboo lala, udang, ikan n lenlain...mmg puas hati la!  

Syerra ckp dgn si dia, nnt pas kawen nk mintak dia tlg belikan satu set memasak bbq ni la...nnt time tgk tv kt ruang tamu, bole masak bbq skali...waa..msti sweet! Si dia kate x pyh, pkai je dapur gas....adoiii...xkan nk bwk dapur gas ke ruang tamu skali dgn tong2 gas tu?? :-p dia kate nnt abesla berbau rumah tu..n syerra ckp, febreeze kan ade... :-p hihihihi....lps da kenyang, kitorg pon balik... ^_^ kenyang smpai rase nk bukak butang sluar...adehhhh.....:-p  

Ddy, thanx so much for spending your time with me...
Mmy hargai sgt2...mmy happy! ^_^  


Till then,
Take care guys...

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Interpersonal Communication Is Complicated...

Salam and great day to all,

Entry kali ni Syerra nk ckp psl Interpersonal Communication...So what is it? Interpersonal Communication ni adalah komunikasi manusia yang melibatkan pengaruh dua hala (A dan B, dan B dan A) dan bertujuan untuk menguruskan hubungan.

Mengikut communication theorist, salah satu fungsi komunikasi adalah untuk mengurangkan ketidakpastian (uncertainty). Proses berkongsi maklumat dan bertanya soalan akan menolong kita mengurangkan ketidakpastian terhadap apa yang berlaku di sesuatu masa.(Interpersonal Communication Relating to Others-5th Edition, Steven A. Beebee, Susan J. Beebee, Mark V. Redmond)

Commucation therorist telah mengenalpasti bahawa apabila kita berkomunikasi dengan seseorang, sekurang-kurangnya ada 6 org yang terlibat walaupon sebenarnya hanya 2 org yang berkomunikasi (A dan B).

6 orang yang terlibat antara A dan B itu adalah: (Assume korang adalah si A, dan dia si B)
1) siapa korang (A) fikir diri korang(A)?
2) siapa korang (A) fikir orang (B) tu?
3) siapa korang (A) fikir orang (B) tu fikir korang (A) ni?
4) siapa orang (B) tu fikir diri dia (B)?
5) siapa orang (B) tu fikir korang (A) ni?
6) siapa orang (B) tu fikir korang (A) fikir orang (B) tu?

Haa...paham x? Agak berbelit..tapi kalau korang perasan, no 1-3 tu psl diri kita sendiri...ape yg kita tgh pk...ape yg kita pk psl dia..and ape tanggapan kita psl dorg...same goes no 4-6...yang tu adalah cara pemikiran dia pula...

Thats why kebanyakan komunikasi kadang2 terdapat salah faham...semuanya disebabkan "6 orang" ni...

Syerra tahu, kadang2 susah nak handle bende2 mcm ni even though kita rase kita tahu psl komunikasi ni...sbb nya, bila kita marah, kadang2 kita x boleh berfikir dengan betul....right?

I want to engage back with my Interpersonal Communication Skill...because I know that this is a good guidance for me in any relationship...

Owh, rindunye jadi student Masscomm balik.... =( rase mcm nak amik skali lagi my degree dulu tu... hahah!~ bole?

Well, good information are great to be shared, right...?

till then,
take care guys...

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Once upon a Recap....

Salam and great day,

Its been a while since the last time i wrote my last entry...

Where do i start now?

As im laying down on my bed here in my room, suddenly theres a like a huge screen display in front of my eyes...n i can see myself playing the character in it...back to 4 years back...? Yeah, almost...

From the screen,
There was a cute lil me, living in my own world...full of activities everyday, monday to sunday, non stop...after finished my class, then rushed to salon, n worked part time, earned little incomw, enough to support my monthly expenses...felt so one was bothering juz me...yeah me..

I could remember, when im so attached to pr stuff, communication stuff, learning people behavior, their mind n body language, learning facts, learning everything which i adapted to my daily life, being outspoken, full of confident, its like no one can turned you down...with words only, i could managed the entire situation...hah! Great me!

I was so obsessed about PR, i was so obsessed about the supporting details, so obssesed about the truth, about a single words, about facts, everything! Its like no one can ever cheat me or lie to me coz trust me, i'll find the truth till death...

From that, what i could said is word is very important...what you said, you must have fact, or otherwise you must find some supporting details to support all your words, so that people will not simply step on your head...i practiced it a lot! Its like no one can counter my words! When i've said this, then it is this! Not that, becoz i have all the supporting details with me, all the facts, all the backup...we'd trained to be like that! We like it or not, we have to! Crazy me during that time...

What i'd missed most is the 'communication and relationship subject' lecturer taught us about interpreting body language, interpreting your mind, and interpreting your see, everything is happened for a reason!

I knew the fact that womens are tends to be more emotional as compared to men...for a small things only they tends to make it big...unlike men, they tends to forget it or just keep it with them...

Its good to learned all that...its great because everyday you are facing people..n everyday you'll see a lots of movement, their body language, what are they said? Everyday you hear a lot of thing, but its dat mean true?

I could say that during that time, i was so particular in observing people...i was good at doing it...i could control situation, i could make very persuasive communication, i could make people to listen and do what im asking them to do..

Why i could be so great during that time??? Or this huge display screen that appear in front of me is actually is just my halucination?? Probably, you can conclude that... But, it is not! Its my recap... My recap towards the old me and me now... So much different! -_-

Now, i dont practice it much like what i did before...why?? Because im not engage to it anymore!

Myself is this 'A' character...but due to certain reason, i've changed to 'B' character..which i missed most..or someone maybe..n now, after a long time, i've turned to my original me...its a huge different, i could say...

"...Because the two legs is always walk together...if you lost one of your leg, then how r you going to walk normally? Using fake leg arent much normal as the could walk, but the rhythm arent same anymore..."

N im not saying for nothing, im saying for a reason!

I remember all the phases in relationship where it could reach a mature phase...the best phase is will always be the beginning, because from that, a relationship is built...

I could remember all that, i even understand it...but im hardly to practice it nor to adapt it to my present life...i dont have any heart to explain it here...i dont have any eagerness with me anymore...because why? Because every situation is certainly different..and furthermore i dont have a people with me anymore to stand on this view like what i used to be before....

A phase for new life is just started for me...whether im strong enough to face all this, i have to went through it...
As im looking at my older blog, my writing pattern is indeed differ....well, people changed! People change for a reason right? For us, we need to find what is the reason of the changes? N why it is happen??

Think! Generate your senses for a better relations...

Till then,
Take care...