Salam and great day....
Hi all...I just get this into my mind...I wanna be a freelance writer...I mean for sure because at least, I can fill my free time than doing nothing or wasting my time doing stupid thing...right? Besides, with this writing, I hope I can improve and polish my writing skills as well which I think that it is really good for me!~ So here is the some of my requirement...Hope you guys can help me in finding some ideas on what shall I write...It can be anything...Anything that you wanna find out, or you wanna know, or even maybe as your favorite reading... If not for me, hopefully maybe my writing can help and benefits you guys...Agree? So DO DROP ME your ideas to my fb : okek!~ ^_^ I'm welcoming it so much!~
Okay, now we move to the topic for this entry 'Kenangan Semalam'...I'll write it in dwi bahasa, so that the words structure are well organized and easy to understand...Can? ^_^
Sebenarnya, entry kali ini telah dicadangkan oleh kawan Syerra, Fazlan Baharuddin ( Akibat dek ketandusan idea dan perasaan yang semakin malas untuk mengupdate blog ni, so Syerra pun post la status kat FB mintak idea mereka. First respon, dari Fazlan Baharuddin ni. Beliau memberi idea tentang Kenangan Semalam. Then I'd agreed, so I come to this entry... ^_^
So, apa yang dimaksudkan dengan kenangan semalam? Kenangan hari semalam ke, atau pun maksud tersiratnya kenangan lama yang tidak dapat kita lupakan? Well, it's depend la on apa yang terus korang semua terbayangkan. Sebab bila sebut kenangan semalam, mesti dalam kepala korang da terbayang perkara yang tidak dapat korang lupakan, betul? Mestilah kenangan semalam, takkan kenangan akan datang pulak...Itu belum jadi kenangan lagi tu...
Kenangan; Syerra define sendiri disini sebagai sesuatu yang telah terjadi kepada diri kita sendiri atau pun orang lain dan ianya merupakan sesuatu yang tidak dapat kita lupakan. Itu kata Syerra, tetapi, apa pula kata scholars? ^_^ In psychology, memory is an organism's ability to store, retain, and recall information and experiences. Ini maksudnya ingatan kita ye kawan-kawan. In a simple words, Kenangan adalah ingatan kita terhadap sesuatu perkara. Ianya adalah sesuatu yang telah memberikan kesan mendalam kepada diri kita.
I have a story on that... What I merely called as unforgettable memories...It is about someone that gave me much influences. Someone that gave me such a big impact to my life. Someone that I couldn't forget until today. Someone who is rare and different from others. Someone that could never been replaced.
He was my love...
WAS okay, bukan IS...That's why ianya adalah 'kenangan semalam' bagi Syerra...
Hurm..where should I start?
Well, as most of you guys know that I'm in line hair saloon now. Walaupun tak berapa hebat, tapi boleh lah at least dari orang lain yang langsung tidak tahu apa-apa pasal dunia salon rambut ni. Syerra bukannya hairstylist, cuma syampu girl je. Itu pun kerja part time. Part time pun, dah setahun 3 bulan Syerra kerja dengan Anggun Salon ni. My bos is very understanding person, and she is so good and very nice towards me. I'm happy I works for her. She is very tolerance, and kindhearted and she took care of all her staffs welfare. Beruntung sangat-sangat dapat kenal dia.
Bermulanya Syerra dengan bidang salon rambut ni adalah pada tahun 2009. It was on April, 25th of April I guessed, I don't quite remember of it. That was the first time I went to Le Anns Salon, Seksyen 7. I just finished my class, and together with Rahimah and Faizah, we went to hair salon because I wished to cut my hair due to split ends, damages and dried. Owh, kasihan rambut Syerra time tu. =.=
By this time, you guys can ask me why I like motocross so much? ^_^ I saw it there, outside at Le Anns Salon. It was black and orange in color. And I've wondered who's scrambler is that?
As I entered to the salon, there was only one guy, with long Blondy hair and he tied it up like Japanese style..wearing short and t-shirt (in black if I'm not mistaken) with red Crocs shoe.
"Ya, nak buat apa?" he asked me.
"I nak trim rambut I. Hujung-hujung dia dah bercabang sepuluh..." I replied.
"Boleh! Duduk lah.." He answered.
Then, Syerra pun duduk. Suddenly dia datang sambil bawa cutting cape and sarung kan kat badan Syerra.
"Eh, siapa nak gunting ni? You ke??" Seriously at that time, Syerra memang tak yakin langsung dengan dia. Syerra ni agak cerewet sikit kalau pilih hairstylist, dibuatnya nanti dia potong tak cantik or rambut jadi rosak, hah, macam mana?? Jangan weh! Rambut ni aset Syerra tau!
"Yelah, I lah..." Selamba dia jawab dengan muka pelik pandang Syerra. Memang takde orang lain pun time ni, dia seorang je yang jaga salon tu time ni, lagi dua orang staff pergi beli makanan.
"You hairstylist ke??" Muka dia pelik, muka Syerra ni lagi la berganda-ganda pelik! Time ni muka memang dah agak cuak sebab dalam hati asyik cakap 'habislah rambut aku rosak lepas ni!' >_<
"Yelah! Kenapa?? Tak caya?"
"Err...I thought you bukan pekerja sini... heheh.."
"Sebab I pkai simple sangat ye?"
And I just smiled. We started our conversation as he started to cut my hair. Sumpah memang Syerra tak percaya dia adalah seorang hairstylist time tu.
"Are you malay?" I asked. Tak tahu time ni Syerra asyik pandang dia je melalui cermin depan Syerra ni. Habis semua Syerra tilik! Sebab 100% can be said that he is not like a malay!
"Yes...Pure Malay. Kenapa?? Tak nampak macam melayu ye?"
"Haah. Kalau you cakap u chinese pun I percaya."
"Bukan chinese la..Chinese putih, I mana putih. Macam Chindian kan?" Dia tersenyum Yes! betul sangat lah tu! Memang macam Chindian!
"Yeah...betul tu! I tengok rambut you, macam Japanese-japanese and Chinese-chinese style! Bertocang mcm tu... Macam gangster pun ada!"
"Nampak ganas tak? Heheh..."
By that time, keserasian mula dirasai. What I can say is, DO NOT JUDGE PEOPLE BY ITS APPEARANCE!~ itu sangat betul. Sebab ternyata sangkaan Syerra pada dia masa mula-mula masuk tu sangat jauh dari sangkaan Syerra selepas bersembang-sembang dengan dia. He's nice!!~ ^_^
Then dari situ la Syerra mula kenal dia, dan kami jadi rapat in a very short while! After few week contacted through sms and call, he finally told me that he has some suprised for me. I wonder what was that? He was at his hometown at that moment. He asked me for a date because he wanted to show me something, then I agreed. When the time reached, he fetched me up at my house and we went to Seksyen 7 Pusat Komersial. He brought me to a shop. Like a new shop because I could see that it still under construction. He even has the key! What?? Jadi pekerja construction pulak ke apa?? He brought me in to that shop.
"Tadaa!!~" With smiled on his face. I still remembered that smile. "My new salon!"
"What...?" Syerra pula yang terkejut! Serius! Maksudnya apa ni? "Salon baru you? Habis, yang kat seksyen 7 tu? Bukan you kerja situ ke?"
"Yeap! Dulu I kerja situ, tapi now I dah berhenti dan sekarang, I nak bukak salon baru! Cantik tak salon I?"
"Maksud you, salon u sendiri??"
"Yelah! You ni apsal macam tak percaya-percaya je dari tadi? Pandang rendah dekat I ke apa??" Eh, sentap plak dia ni. Orang tanya je... =.=
"Alaa...I tanya je! Bukan ada maksud apa-apa pun. You ni...Tapi kan, hebat you ye!" Syerra senyum and berjalan-jalan dalam salon tu.
"You minat kerja salon tak?" He asked me.
"Macam mana nak minat? I tak pernah langsung kerja salon-salon ni. Bukannya I tau buat apa-apa pun."
"Syerra, you kerja dengan I nak? You kan nak cari kerja part time. Kerja salon lagi relax dari you kerja hotel tu." He suddenly offered me. What?? Betul ke ni??
"Serius?? Betul ke ni??"
"Yelah! Ingat I memain ke ape? You ni dari tadi asyik tak percaya-percaya je...Tertekan btol!"
Nilah salah satu sifat dia, panas baran. Cepat nak marah. =.= Tapi tak tahu kenapa Syerra boleh tahan dan tak pernah kesah pun pasal sifat dia ni. Its my kelebihan I guessed...
"Tapi, I tak tahu pasal kerja-kerja salon ni...Macam mana??" >_<
"I kan ada! Takpe, tu nanti semua I ajar you, okey?" Dia senyum. "Sekarang ni, I nak ajak you pergi Ikea Damansara, nak beli perabut2 untuk salon I. I nak you yang tolong pilihkan, okay?"
OMG! Syerra tolong pilihkan?? Dah macam Syerra pula yang nak bukak bisnes bila diberi keutamaan sampai macam tu sekali!Sumpah, Syerra rasa amat berbesar hati bila diberi penghargaan macam tu.
From that, we're finally opened that salon together. We worked together. Only me and him. Macam tak percaya, bila kami sama-sama bangunkan salon tu. Bila Syerra ingat balik, Syerra rasa sayu sangat-sangat!~ Sebab semua tu dah menjadi kenangan yang sampai mati pun Syerra takkan lupa.
From that, we've became so closed and finally we felt in love with each other. Sebenarnya, Syerra dah lama jatuh hati pada dia, tapi sebabkan Syerra rasa dia tak mungkin pilih Syerra yang takde apa-apa dan bukan siapa-siapa ni kalau nak dibandingkan dengan dia. Macam langit dengan bumi! Serupa enggang dengan pipit! Jauh sangat perbezaan kami. Tapi tak sangka dia dapat lihat sesuatu dalam diri Syerra. Sesuatu yang dia pandang lain, dan tak sama macam perempuan-perempuan yang dia kenal. KATA DIA LAH...
We shared same interest and hobby. Banyak yang dia ajar Syerra tentang dunia salon. From my knowledge ZERO until now dah tahu sikit-sikit! Sebabkan Syerra sayang dia, Syerra jadi semangat nak kenal diri dia. Semua benda yang dia minat, Syerra pun nak minat jugak! He's a motocross rider. He got his own motocross club and now his own motocross track.That's why I felt in love with motocross jugak!~ ^_^
He proposed me to became his special girlfriend when he involved in motocross accident at Ulu Yam track, 13th June 2009. And 14th June 2009 was our special date to be declared as lovers. I couldn't forget that moment. Because that was the best part of my life ever. While on the way back from Hospital Selayang, after he has been discharged from ward, riding Adam's FWD, (his friend) he text me and said that He love me more than his life and thank you for not leaving him when he involved with that crash. I cant hold my tears while I'm writing this because I still remember the moment his motocross got crashed after he did the jump at the table top. I've got so shocked because I was recording his action by my hp and suddenly lompatan motocross dia tu tak selamat! Dia jatuh! Motorcross dia patah dua!~ I saw him terbaring dengan debu-debu yang memenuhi tempat dia. I was panic and for a while I couldn't say anything and my feet was look like I was nailed to the ground! Several girls there were also screaming. Budak-budak motocross yang lain-lain dah berlari-lari mendapatkan dia. And in a short while, dia dikerumuni dengan orang ramai. I could hear they screamed my name, they called me...I ran to him and saw him terbaring... OMG!! Semua panic, tak tahu nak buat apa! Dorang nak gerakkan dia, tapi Syerra tak bagi! Takot dia ada patah-patah ke...Bahaya! He was bleeding and luckily I still have my PBSM knowledges with me. Finally they hold him to Adam's FWD and decided to bring him to Hospital Selayang. He called my name and asked me don't leave him. ='( We've been escorted by all the riders and alhamdulillah, traffic jammed could be controlled and it was like all the road users giving us a way to pass by. While on the way to hospital, he said that his sight is getting blur and he asked Yeop to recited azan for him. I recited ayat kursi, and al-fatihah to his ears so that dia tak lupa Allah. Yeop ajar dia mengucap...
Sampai di hospital, dia diusung dengan stretcher masuk wad kecemasan. Syerra tak boleh masuk. Risau sangat time ni. Syerra pegang semua barang-barang kepunyaan dia. Hp dia jangan cakap la, call and sms tak berhenti-henti. Syerra curi-curi baca, and IT DID HURT ME SO MUCH! but I don't care much about it...Bila keadaan dah redha, Doctor pun dah sahkan yang dia okay takde apa-apa, barulah semua orang rasa lega. Nasib baik dia pakai semua safety before ride motocross tu. Kalau tak, haish...tak tahu lah nak cakap macam mana...
Time dalam ward, dia admit something dengan Syerra. Time ni rasa nak menangis sangat-sangat, sebab rasa macam dah kalah. T_T then I said, its okay...Don't think about it too much, we still can be friend. But he hold my hand and said that he don't want to be friend, he wants me to stay beside him and hope that I can take care of him...
Too much memories to be put here in this entry. Silap-silap orang pun tak sanggup nak baca!~ =P If I wanna story about this, 1 novel pun Syerra sanggup tulis tau! Because I'm the type who will appreciate much things that I loved and liked. It is too much valuable for me. I'm the type who will not forget things easily.
Kenangan semalam...kenangan yang banyak mengajar Syerra tentang kehidupan ...Kenangan yang banyak membuka mata Syerra terhadap banyak perkara. He is RARE! No one can ever replaced him in my heart untill now. Dia sentiasa segar dalam ingatan Syerra. Segala apa yang kami lakukan bersama-sama dahulu, jatuh bangkit and susah senang, semuanya masih terpahat kuat di ingatan dan hati Syerra. I'm glad that I have a strong memory! I'm so thankful and grateful because I still can recalled all this memories.
Whatever it is, though we're not together anymore, still, He was my best memories...
I know right now he already moved on with his life, but I'm here are still not moving mine. I don't know when it will be my time to move on with my life. Too many chances that I'd ignored. IDK!~ Maybe it's not the time for me yet... So I just prefer to live in this memories...At least, there's a strength and courage that he left for me..
Actually, I did found someone, and I did fall in love once again, but maybe he's not the right person for me yet after him...So, I just let it be and let the time decide...
Till then,
Wait for my next entry 'bakal suami / isteri'...maybe? ^_^
Take Care guys!~