Salam and great day,
Nothing much to say here just a few of my thought. Lately, my mind are so serabut! i dunno what i've been thinking of or what i've been doing...Where am i, btw? it's like i'm missing in my own place...It feels like i don't belong here... There's a few friends who were very concerned towards me realized that something did happened to me, n i really appreciate it for asking me what happened... You guys were a true friends, always be with me whenever I'm happy or sad...Even sometimes, i do admit that I always forgot you all when I'm happy, but you guys would always come to me whenever I'm sad...Sorry for that! I'm not as good as you all...
I would like to make post-mortem here..
Its A LIE when someone said that he/she has no secret!~ right? How honest someone can be towards everybody around him/her? I know, some story shouldn't be exposed to anyone...some small matter shouldn't be told even to your closed one...some words shouldn't be said at all...then I asked myself, "so what's the hassle?" *careful! I might spin my words to the readers btw... =) this was actually to 'menyedapkan hati sendiri'... no more than that...
My friends might ask me 'what happen', 'why u post this' and so on? Great! Now aku terbayang miss mel yg slalu pesan kat bebudak dia, 'every single words u said must have reason! must have fact!' n my heart will continue said 'or other wise, don't speak at all!'...*orang takkan cakap saje2 tanpa sebab!*
Playing fair and square, okay la tu 'we've got our own secret right?' keep it quiet, i'll keep it quite too...! ^_^ Simple! that WAS the rules i used to use long time ago...Haaahhhh, how I miss that moment!
When seeing this post again, swear to God that I wanna seek my BFF Rahimah! T_T she surely will understand me better than anyone else...She's a real good buddy to me... *Rahimah, siyes aku rindu kau oke!* the word 'cover line' you still remember to whom I often to refer it to? =) he's a great at it, right? I learned from the best... *owh! I spin the wheel again!* =P
Why I posted this?
Because I feel in that way! I don't care people who good at cover fact, I even ADORE them!! Clean shit! No prove at all...that's what I like..
n Why I exposed here?? *dah macam membuka pekung di dada...
So that you guys will know the rules of cover line! So that, people around you will not being hurt!!
I knew someone who is really good at it! My sifu! ^_^ *at least aku x sakit hati! sbb aku xde bukti!*
Dear my BFF PR-ians...
why we have so many terms and jargon?
Not all people will understand it... but I'm very glad that we've exposed to it! ^_^ Thanks to all lecturers...
Have you guys ever wonder when someone being so secretive and why was that?? There's must be something right? if not, then why hiding when actually you've got nothing to hide?? Honestly, for me, that was REALTANDATANYA....
That situation has directly throw me into my past...How I missed my student life there at UiTM Shah Alam...How I missed my bz time...How I missed my fighting time...My heartache time...My everything... T_T
All my senses are functioning very well...I learned how to observe people..N I did watched them..Watched everything...Feel everything...Hear everything... I even noticed a slow movement if any... In fact, I realized every single thing! Just don't argue it!! =.= Cause I know, once I start, its hard to stop, you will get will lose yourself in the game... So why wants to start it if you know that you are not good enough with it?? *or maybe you dont realize it???* goshhh... =.=
I re-posted this statement since the first year I had my FB account...Find it yourself guys whether my words is true or not...INI FAKTA PERANGAI LELAKI DAN PEREMPUAN...try la utk menguji kesahihannya... ^_^
Frankly speaking, I even in the same place before...Not to be hypocrite la kan...But as the time goes by, when you all have other commitment to commit, then FULLSTOP all the notty-ness...
9 vs.1...
Nafsu Perempuan vs Nafsu Lelaki...
Guess who win??
People can change...Bad to good...good to bad... Well, it depend!~ See how and why the changes is made? who is the factor for the changes? not only who, but everything around us! it play a crucial part to the contribution of the changes made...Honestly, I'm not so bad nor too good...but I've been bad and been good previously...
Sometimes, I missed the old me... huh! *APE ADE PADE SYERRA?* you know me then you judge!~
Guys, if you are with someone for quite a long time, then you should know them better than anyone else...OPEN YOUR EYES WIDELY..then you'll see...
See what?? -good Question!
See any changes of them...Its good to guide someone in/to the right won't regret it...
Dear readers,
I'm not writing this entry without any point...I'm not writing this entry as a mumbling...I'm writing this entry because I have a reason! I'm writing this entry because you guys should know it! I'm pointing this not only to my own self, but for you guys to look in the mirror of yours...the sense of sensitivity towards everybody is hard to maintain, I can assure that!~ but to try a good relationship is vital! After all, We're not alone in this world...
I'm not being selfish...I'm just make it clear...
Some of you guys wouldn't understand at all what I'm try to say here "What the fuck is she talking?" , "What's on earth is she writing?"...Seriously, I don't give a damn!
For those who hit their head, I'm glad...At least you noticed it!~ ^_^
I still got my eyes, my ears, my nose, my mouth and my mind functioning very well...I'm not blind! I'm not deaf! I can smell! I'm not dumb! And I can read yours!
Please...Remember that!~ *At least aku bangga ape yang aku blaja slama ni!*
I am a human! I'm not stuff! I'm not selling anything from me! =.=
Some people can provide with something..and some people can't! For those who can, you guys great! NO DOUBT! =) it is simple as this: If you go to some shop, n found nothing there, you can go to the other shop. Same like my, myself and I! Do not waste any of your time...
Oke now I need Rahimah back!! She know me for sure, when I don't give a damn towards a thing, Pegi mampos la, aku tak kisah! (",)
This post, ONLY this post I posted to my mucuk... ^_^ Actually I've got it from the post that I saw from my friend's FB... ^_^ SUMPAH FAKTA! this words are real!~ Let have some time to think about it...
"Cemburu tandanya sayang..." How true are this words? SO TRUE!~
When you fall in love with someone, u'll surely easily get jealous, right? whenever you see your love is close with someone else...That's mean nothing besides its a normal behavior which show that you love them. You don't want other people hijack them from you...You will defend them no matter what happen..right?
See how it goes at the end of the day when you found out that your love are not jealous anymore, more to ignoring or wouldn't care at all what you will do and with who? what will you feel then? "Dah kenapa dgn dia ni? Relax je...Selalu bukan main menggelabah lagi!", "Apsal dia x kisah pon?? Dia dah lain! Dia dah berubah tak macam dlu!"---> terdetik tak mcm tu?
p/s: So ddy da boleh start risau dah if mmy buat rilex je... =P HAHAHAHAHA
'RISAU' if you still have that feeling (LOVE FEELING), but ingat ye, YOU WOULDN'T EVEN CARE ABOUT IT (bile gf/bf korg buat rilex je) WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE THAT FEELING (LOVE FEELING) ANYMORE WITH YOU.
Nothing to say... =.=
Guys who really concerned towards me, Thanks A Lot...! I owe you my big shoulder whenever you need me...I promised I will always be a good friends to you guys... Coz I remember and I know that we have KARMA in this world...and I believe in it!~
Often, I remind myself:
That's right! Sometimes I really feel that I want to play the FAIR & SQUARE game...I want to play it badly! What you give you'll get back!~ but...that's not nice...Im not a God to punish people...Little voice in my heart often said to me "Jangan buat jahat kalau taknak buat baik..." I know you're a good guidance in me.. ^_^
Referring to my early para above, "Nothing much to say here just a few of my thought. Lately, my mind are so serabut! i dunno what i've been thinking of or what i've been doing...Where am i, btw? it's like i'm missing in my own place...It feels like i don't belong here..." it just me, playing with my little mind and heart...maybe cause of the post menstrual symptom...hahaha! =P made me to turned like that...Silly me! >_<
But, seriously its true!~My mind are so serabut...Like im not in the place where I belong...I don't feels like here...and I missed HOME...*bukan rumah aku la! metaphor oke!~* sometimes I doubted it, why its not feel stronger like what I thought it will be? why it has to turned like this when I think I have it all? When I think that I won the battle?
I missed my old poems...
I missed HOME again...
I missed my place in the heart and mind...
And finally aku pon tak tahu ape aku merepek ni! =.=
That's all my post mortem regarding last night and thank you for asking...
Till then,
Take care guys...